I recently inherited a dog. He was labeled, “Dead Dog Walking.” It was the pound or me. My daughter, his executioner, cited crimes too numerous to mention as grounds for his death sentence. I said I would try to housebreak and tame him. I was sure she was exaggerating the alleged misdemeanors against the poor creature. After all, how hard could it be to handle a 15-pound puppy?
The criminal, a.k.a. Buddy, arrived with crate, leash, and a half bag of dog food. His ex-owner said a few harsh words and sped off down our driveway never looking back. I like dogs. I like them with short fur, cute pug faces, and quiet personalities. What I got was a wild, undisciplined, wooly mammoth! The felon eats shoes, furniture, books, toys, tassels from designer pillows and anything he can grab as he runs wildly through the house. Although he has a huge yard to use as a bathroom, he makes regular deposits in the living room. When he is exhausted, he flops lovingly on my feet or jumps into my lap like a sleepy toddler oblivious to his delinquency.
Buddy loves the outdoors. He frolics in the dewy morning grass until his white paws and muzzle turn a sick shade of green. He digs holes, like a bulldozer, and eats the dirt. Leaves, twigs, and burrs are drawn to his tangled coat like a magnet. He barks incessantly at anything and everything. The dog-training manual says he needs to be socialized! My husband says he needs a swat with the newspaper. I’m beginning to think he needs the Dog Whisperer. I called my daughter and tried to coerce her into taking the mutt back. She laughed and hung up on me. Now I get her voice mail.
As the weeks progressed, I tried to make “Swamp Thing” look and smell presentable. I used dog shampoo, Vidal Sassoon, and Aussie Moist. Nothing worked to make his white frizzy hair look clean, tame, and manageable. They say dogs resemble their owners. If that’s the case, God help me! After a quick look in the mirror, I made an appointment with a dog stylist.
I arrived at the grooming palace wondering if they could use a Chi on dog fur. I peered skeptically through large glass windows into the beauty salon. Posters on the wall listed services ranging from Spa la Carte to the Premium Package that included anal gland cleaning. (YUCK!) Eight stools sat two by two. The salon was full. A canine patron enjoying their celebrity treatment occupied each bench. Stylists clipped, combed, trimmed, and shaved the dogs working magic on their freshly washed fur. The pampered pets sat dreamily with glazed over eyes, lapping tongues, and wagging tails.
In gangster style, Buddy the Mouth began barking and growling our arrival. The Zen like atmosphere quickly turned to chaos. The receptionist looked us over. “What type of dog is this?” She asked curtly.
I was indignant. “"A Coton De Tulear",” I said giving her a cold stare.
She snatched the dog from my arms. “Be back in three hours.” She turned and stomped away through a set of windowless double doors in the back of the shop.
When I returned the receptionist greeted me with a list of products I needed to keep my pet looking his best. The grand total was a few dollars shy of a fortune. The stylist, who worked tirelessly for three hours, walked Buddy down the red carpet to greet me. I could hear the angels weep! It was a miracle. I almost doubted it was really my dog. He looked like a champion, a credit to his breed.
I’d like to say this is a Cinderella story. I’d like to say he won a blue ribbon in the local dog show. I’d like to say he was rewarded by the Dog Whisperer for good behavior on national TV. However, within two days Buddy looked like Swamp Thing again. His soft fluffy fur is matted and frizzy. He still eats shoes, furniture, books, toys, and tassels from designer pillows. He makes deposits in the living room on occasion.
On the flip side, there is something redeeming about him. He is loyal, loving, and clownish. I watched him stand on hind legs and dance in circles while autumn leaves swirled around him. He plays gently with my grandson and tolerates the cat. He is always under my feet, looking up at me with mischievous happy eyes.
My daughter called to ask how the criminals’ training is progressing. I laughed and hung up on her. When she called back, I put her in voice mail.
Prepare for God's arrival! Make the path straight and smooth, a highway fit for God. Isaiah 40:3 MSG
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Are You A Dragon Slayer ?
Slaying the Dragon of Delay is no sport for the short-winded. I’m preparing to write the sequel to my novel “Rise from the Ashes,” and find I have run out of steam. The dragon outsmarted me by leading me into the trap of procrastination. While I took a break in my routine, delay stole my momentum. I know what I have to do, and I know what it takes to regain my drive, but do I have the guts to slay the dragon?
Writing takes effort. That means lots of mental exertion. Making time to focus on a project of this size takes unremitting resolve and commitment. I need to summon the forces of passion, enthusiasm and a positive attitude if I’m going to kill this beast that has made it’s lair in my psyche. This may sound like child’s play unless you have fallen prey to this enemy before. The archrival can quickly devour your creativity and will to succeed.
My mighty opponent battles me with ideas of fear of not performing perfectly. These mental wounds lead to procrastination, which eventually lead to paralysis. While searching for a magic elixir for my malady I came upon a scripture verse that stopped me dead in my tracks. “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave where you will go, there will be no work or planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.” Ecclesiastes 9:10
The question comes to mind; what is in your hand to do? I have a computer and a dream of reaching the lost for Christ.
I know I can do this, but I have to crush my tendency to put things off. Instead of running, I will face this dragon and push myself to climb over the mountain of excuses that are breathing fire down my neck. I will reach the summit unscathed. I am not short-winded!
The Dragon of Unbelief is slaying it’s thousands. PROCRASTINATION is taking the lives and souls of tens of thousands.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so whoever believes in Jesus shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 Accept the offer....don't delay.
I am a dragon slayer.
How About Tomorrow
Slaying the dragon of delay is no sport for the short-winded. Quote by Sandra Day O’Connor
Writing takes effort. That means lots of mental exertion. Making time to focus on a project of this size takes unremitting resolve and commitment. I need to summon the forces of passion, enthusiasm and a positive attitude if I’m going to kill this beast that has made it’s lair in my psyche. This may sound like child’s play unless you have fallen prey to this enemy before. The archrival can quickly devour your creativity and will to succeed.
My mighty opponent battles me with ideas of fear of not performing perfectly. These mental wounds lead to procrastination, which eventually lead to paralysis. While searching for a magic elixir for my malady I came upon a scripture verse that stopped me dead in my tracks. “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave where you will go, there will be no work or planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.” Ecclesiastes 9:10
The question comes to mind; what is in your hand to do? I have a computer and a dream of reaching the lost for Christ.
I know I can do this, but I have to crush my tendency to put things off. Instead of running, I will face this dragon and push myself to climb over the mountain of excuses that are breathing fire down my neck. I will reach the summit unscathed. I am not short-winded!
The Dragon of Unbelief is slaying it’s thousands. PROCRASTINATION is taking the lives and souls of tens of thousands.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so whoever believes in Jesus shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 Accept the offer....don't delay.
I am a dragon slayer.
How About Tomorrow
Slaying the dragon of delay is no sport for the short-winded. Quote by Sandra Day O’Connor
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Go For It...
My husband and I donned our leathers Saturday, along with 2,000 other bikers, for Fox 43’s Pride and Ride annual event. Our mighty force thundered across 50-miles of rural backcountry in York and Adams County. People lined the streets of small suburban towns to watch us journey through their townships like a giant, roaring parade. The winding roads took us over rolling hills where golden cornfields are ready for harvest, orange pumpkins dot the landscape, and roadside stands sell natures bounty. I love riding. Being on my Harley relaxes and refreshes me. However, I can still remember how scared I was when I first learned to ride. My husband referred to our excursions out of our driveway as “the trips of terror.”
Eight years ago, I had absolutely no skills or ability when it came to riding a motorcycle. I remember the anguish of going to the classes, the discomfort of suiting up in the heat, sweating under my helmet, and going through the course hurdles. Learning to control a 250 Honda and taking it out of first gear was my worst nightmare. After each class, I vowed I was going to quit. Yet, there was a small part of me that wanted to overcome this fear and do something totally different and outside my comfort zone. So, I continued.
I can still see myself, in the early days, making a wide left turn and going off road into a ditch, and on the same day stalling in the middle of a busy intersection. My face still turns red when I remember the embarrassment of dropping my new 2003 Heritage Soft Tail in Deadwood, South Dakota, at my first Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. I vividly remember the anxiety of holding the clutch with an aching left hand on a steep incline and rolling backward into the cars that were lined up for miles behind me.
However, I endured the test. My confidence grew as I rode longer distances and skill and ability replaced my fear. Since then I have put about 45,000 miles on my bike. Perseverance has rewarded me with great rides all over the country.
I learned if you want something bad enough you go for it. You make sacrifices. Face your fears. Overcome obstacles. Press in. Push through. Don’t stop. God calls us to persevere in faith. He wants us to face all of life’s challenges with tenacity, drive, and enthusiasm.
We need to hold tight when we want to quit.
Pray hard when there seems to be no answer.
Get back up when we fail.
Hope for the best when all seems lost.
Rejoice when we go through periods of suffering.
Check out this great video I found on youtube.
“Do not throw away your confidence: it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.” Hebrews 10: 35-36
Eight years ago, I had absolutely no skills or ability when it came to riding a motorcycle. I remember the anguish of going to the classes, the discomfort of suiting up in the heat, sweating under my helmet, and going through the course hurdles. Learning to control a 250 Honda and taking it out of first gear was my worst nightmare. After each class, I vowed I was going to quit. Yet, there was a small part of me that wanted to overcome this fear and do something totally different and outside my comfort zone. So, I continued.
I can still see myself, in the early days, making a wide left turn and going off road into a ditch, and on the same day stalling in the middle of a busy intersection. My face still turns red when I remember the embarrassment of dropping my new 2003 Heritage Soft Tail in Deadwood, South Dakota, at my first Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. I vividly remember the anxiety of holding the clutch with an aching left hand on a steep incline and rolling backward into the cars that were lined up for miles behind me.
However, I endured the test. My confidence grew as I rode longer distances and skill and ability replaced my fear. Since then I have put about 45,000 miles on my bike. Perseverance has rewarded me with great rides all over the country.
I learned if you want something bad enough you go for it. You make sacrifices. Face your fears. Overcome obstacles. Press in. Push through. Don’t stop. God calls us to persevere in faith. He wants us to face all of life’s challenges with tenacity, drive, and enthusiasm.
We need to hold tight when we want to quit.
Pray hard when there seems to be no answer.
Get back up when we fail.
Hope for the best when all seems lost.
Rejoice when we go through periods of suffering.
Check out this great video I found on youtube.
“Do not throw away your confidence: it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.” Hebrews 10: 35-36
Friday, September 17, 2010
Breaking News

The most powerful forces known to man are not nuclear weapons, nor nature’s awesome wonders, such as the might of an earthquake, the power of the sun, or mastery of a hurricane, but the thoughts and ideas of the mind. There are cases of people dying in their sleep from a frightening dream, along with studies of otherwise healthy men and women who while awake have actually been scared to death! Mental health professionals say many people who are calling their hot lines have reached their breaking point. Fear is the number one emotion responsible for their feelings of hopelessness.
He will not be afraid of evil tidings. I admit, reading the news gives me a tight feeling in my chest, family problems push me over the edge, and the economic crisis makes me sick to my stomach. Uncertainty has become a way of life. Anxiety over current events spills into our daily conversation. National security, world peace, a sound economy, financial stability, health, and safety are only a few of the headlines that vie for our attention. The clinical experts say I have GAD. In laymen’s terms; I’m anxious, and fearful.
His heart (mind) is firmly fixed. Fear, like an emotional terrorist, can literally render me its prisoner wreaking havoc on my mind and body. As a believer how can I glorify God when I feel and act like a coward? Spiritually I need to stop fooling around and listen, I mean really listen, to the words of the Great Physician. Long before we had the availability of mental health clinics, God gave us some great advice. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+91&version=NIV However, counsel is only valuable when we use it and take it to heart.
Trusting confidently in the Lord. I found some great tips for anyone who needs to keep fear from becoming their breaking point.
1. Pay attention to your self-talk. Flood your mind with positive messages, preferably from the Bible. Take them to heart, memorize them, and believe they are promises you can count on today.
2. Pray. Prayer will sooth your mind and calms your soul.
3. Help someone else. Fear tends to make us shut ourselves in, away from what is truly beneficial to our emotional health.
While writing this post, my grandson’s 10 lb. puppy began barking and growling ferociously at the door. I followed him outside as he charged fearlessly toward the perceived threat. He looked over his shoulder to make sure I was there and then ran forward like a roaring lion. I think this is how God wants us to deal with our fear. Believe He is right there with us, so we can run forward with confidence and face our future.
I will not be afraid of evil tidings; my heart and mind are firmly fixed, trusting confidently in the Lord. Psalm 112:7 (paraphrased by me )
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Be Optimistic
It has been a little over a month since I attended the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference. All the excitement and hype are receding from the forefront of my mind as real life takes center stage.
My plan to start a blog has become a reality along with waiting to hear from the two editors who excitedly asked to see my novel. I wait anxiously every day for the letter…you know the letter I mean. Will they like what I've spent the last five years of my life working on, or will it be thrown into the slosh pile? Well, I got it, the infamous REJECTION LETTER. So the question becomes, how do I handle this news?
Be miserable.
At first, disappointment was a comfortable option. I could stare at my computer screen, teary eyed and depressed. I could give the LETTER power to immobilize and devalue me while rejection skillfully played with my emotions. I could have a full blown pity party. After all, the LETTER came on my Birthday! It wasn’t fair. I worked hard. I thought this was God’s plan for me.
Or motivate myself.
I believe God allows everything in life for a reason. I also believe God’s plan for me is far better then the one I have in mind. So, I have made a decision. I have decided not to give the LETTER any authority to kill my hopes and dreams. Does that mean I’m dancing for joy? No way! I’m struggling to regain momentum. I’m deliberately swimming upstream, against the current, to take back my creative flow and bruised ego.
Whatever has to be done is always my choice.
I need to keep rejection in perspective. I can let it cripple my forward motion or keep moving ahead. I have to learn not to take the letters personally. According to other authors, these one or two sentence dismissals are part of a writer’s life. Have I arrived at this undisturbed utopia? Let’s get real! However, God is teaching me that He is always working for good in our lives. I choose to give my cares, disappointment, fear, and rejection to God. It takes some work. I have to keep redirecting my thoughts away from the negative scenarios that bombard my mind. I must actively keep a positive attitude and look for open doors of opportunity. Each day gets better.
Faith is full of inventions.
Now the hard part, I have to put this lesson to another test. I have more waiting, praying, and hoping to do. Two editors wanted to see my book. I heard from one. Will I worry about the next letter? I choose to cross that bridge when the time comes.“I cast all of my anxieties, all my worries, all my concerns, once and for all on Him, for He cares for me affectionately and cares about me watchfully.”
1 Peter 5:7
So do a little song and dance with Shirley.....Be Optimistic
*Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done is always your choice.
Quote by Wayne Dyer
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Turbulence Is Opportunity For Change
DENVER—On July 20,2010 as many as 30 people were injured when United flight 967 hit severe air turbulence and made an emergency landing at Denver International Airport. “It came out of nowhere. There was really no turbulence but all of a sudden a huge jolt,” said Anya. People who fly often know that turbulence is a common occurrence.
Turbulence is life force.
I like smooth rides, predictable destinations, balance, and order. Unfortunately, the “Friendly Skies” of life are full of upheaval. The most insidious type of turbulence is unexpected. Problems come at us, unexpectedly, shaking the very foundation of our lives. We all respond differently to hardship but one fact remains true. If life were a free ride, unchallenged by trouble, we would become content, dull, and flavorless individuals living a lukewarm existence.
It is opportunity.
Adversity acts as our barometer. The way we handle these unstable circumstances will determine our ability to make right or wrong choices. Normally our first response when faced with a problem is flight or fight. This is where our faith in God is put to the test. Refuse to allow fear of the unknown to rule over the situation. Reject the urge to follow the sway of fickle emotions. Ignore the ranting of a troubled, angry mind. If you want the best possible conclusion for your present situation, change your perspective. Act in faith. Believe the impossible. Embrace the unknown. Walk on water.
Let’s love turbulence and use it for change.
Life demands our best. Dig deep within the wellspring of belief and find your hidden strength. Everyone battles something, but not everyone comes away victorious. Don’t hide from your problems, embrace them. Abundant lives are forged in the crucible of trial. When we feel like we are free falling, we have to remember God is holding the other end of the bungee cord. If we will trust Him with our financial problems, dreams, families, health, or personal difficulties, we are free to focus on the opportunity for change that God has planned for us.
Just as fire purifies gold
Just as abrasion polishes metal
Just as heat strengthens and tempers steel
Just as boiling water brings out the flavor in tea…..adversity, fire, pain, and suffering refines our character.
“For I know the thoughts and plans I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.” Jeremiah 29:11
*”Turbulence is life force. It is opportunity. Let’s love turbulence and use it for change.” Quote by Ramsey Clark
Turbulence is life force.
I like smooth rides, predictable destinations, balance, and order. Unfortunately, the “Friendly Skies” of life are full of upheaval. The most insidious type of turbulence is unexpected. Problems come at us, unexpectedly, shaking the very foundation of our lives. We all respond differently to hardship but one fact remains true. If life were a free ride, unchallenged by trouble, we would become content, dull, and flavorless individuals living a lukewarm existence.
It is opportunity.
Adversity acts as our barometer. The way we handle these unstable circumstances will determine our ability to make right or wrong choices. Normally our first response when faced with a problem is flight or fight. This is where our faith in God is put to the test. Refuse to allow fear of the unknown to rule over the situation. Reject the urge to follow the sway of fickle emotions. Ignore the ranting of a troubled, angry mind. If you want the best possible conclusion for your present situation, change your perspective. Act in faith. Believe the impossible. Embrace the unknown. Walk on water.
Let’s love turbulence and use it for change.
Life demands our best. Dig deep within the wellspring of belief and find your hidden strength. Everyone battles something, but not everyone comes away victorious. Don’t hide from your problems, embrace them. Abundant lives are forged in the crucible of trial. When we feel like we are free falling, we have to remember God is holding the other end of the bungee cord. If we will trust Him with our financial problems, dreams, families, health, or personal difficulties, we are free to focus on the opportunity for change that God has planned for us.
Just as fire purifies gold
Just as abrasion polishes metal
Just as heat strengthens and tempers steel
Just as boiling water brings out the flavor in tea…..adversity, fire, pain, and suffering refines our character.
“For I know the thoughts and plans I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.” Jeremiah 29:11
*”Turbulence is life force. It is opportunity. Let’s love turbulence and use it for change.” Quote by Ramsey Clark
Monday, August 23, 2010
We're Not In Kansas Anymore
I love the classic book The Wizard of Oz written by L. Frank Baum. He captured the longing within us to be set free from all of life’s problems. Many people believe he wrote the book as a Parable on Populism, to explain the political situation at the time of its writing. Others think it is a simple story of everyone’s rite of passage from childhood to adulthood. I can see both ideas but I have my own take on the story.
Let’s face it, the meat of the tale is a broken relationship. Dorothy is mad that Auntie Em is not listening to her problems. She is having issues outside her home that are threatening her peaceful life. To top it off she feels misunderstood, taken for granted, and ignored by her family. She starts to imagine a place “Over the Rainbow” where her life will be better and she will have no more troubles. Now here comes Mrs. Gulch, a nasty neighbor who threatens to dispose of her dog Toto, the center of the young girls’ universe. This act of hatefulness is the catalyst that sets Dorothy on an emotion cyclone. Our feelings, like a twister, wreak havoc in our mind, heart, and actions.
We have all been there. Someone close to us has stopped meeting our needs. We feel angry, disappointed, or hurt, by our spouse, friend, or family member. If we let our thoughts brew, our feelings come together like the perfect storm. Sometimes we are tempted to fix the problem by running away emotionally or by abandoning the troublesome relationship altogether. However, here’s the catch. Like Dorothy who leaves her present situation for something that looks better, she soon finds out the “Yellow Brick Road” leads her further away from the peace she was seeking.
As the story unfolds, it runs parallel to real life. Dorothy finds herself in a place where she has to confront the issue she tried to escape. The Wicked Witch, her problem, is chasing her in a new form. What she finds inside the Emerald City is a hoax. The Wizard can’t fix her problems, she has to take responsibility for her new life in Oz, which comes with a whole new set of problems. Remember the flying monkeys!
My point is, we all make good and bad choices in life. Like Dorothy, no mater how bad we have messed up, or how far away we find ourselves, there is a way home. The Parable of the Prodigal Son also tells the story of a broken relationship. A young man leaves his fathers house to spread his wings and find his own place in life. After spending all his money on thing that don’t satisfy he returns home, broken and defeated. Thankfully, we have a heavenly father who is waiting for us to realize “There is no place like home.” We don’t need to click our heels together, we have a free gift. It’s called grace.
Check out this Amazing Grace Youtube video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3SQlTIjJ2U&feature=related
Let’s face it, the meat of the tale is a broken relationship. Dorothy is mad that Auntie Em is not listening to her problems. She is having issues outside her home that are threatening her peaceful life. To top it off she feels misunderstood, taken for granted, and ignored by her family. She starts to imagine a place “Over the Rainbow” where her life will be better and she will have no more troubles. Now here comes Mrs. Gulch, a nasty neighbor who threatens to dispose of her dog Toto, the center of the young girls’ universe. This act of hatefulness is the catalyst that sets Dorothy on an emotion cyclone. Our feelings, like a twister, wreak havoc in our mind, heart, and actions.
We have all been there. Someone close to us has stopped meeting our needs. We feel angry, disappointed, or hurt, by our spouse, friend, or family member. If we let our thoughts brew, our feelings come together like the perfect storm. Sometimes we are tempted to fix the problem by running away emotionally or by abandoning the troublesome relationship altogether. However, here’s the catch. Like Dorothy who leaves her present situation for something that looks better, she soon finds out the “Yellow Brick Road” leads her further away from the peace she was seeking.
As the story unfolds, it runs parallel to real life. Dorothy finds herself in a place where she has to confront the issue she tried to escape. The Wicked Witch, her problem, is chasing her in a new form. What she finds inside the Emerald City is a hoax. The Wizard can’t fix her problems, she has to take responsibility for her new life in Oz, which comes with a whole new set of problems. Remember the flying monkeys!
My point is, we all make good and bad choices in life. Like Dorothy, no mater how bad we have messed up, or how far away we find ourselves, there is a way home. The Parable of the Prodigal Son also tells the story of a broken relationship. A young man leaves his fathers house to spread his wings and find his own place in life. After spending all his money on thing that don’t satisfy he returns home, broken and defeated. Thankfully, we have a heavenly father who is waiting for us to realize “There is no place like home.” We don’t need to click our heels together, we have a free gift. It’s called grace.
Check out this Amazing Grace Youtube video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3SQlTIjJ2U&feature=related
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I am a survivor of the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference and I have to say it was an awesome experience. Each day was packed with sessions, workshops, panels, and clinics. I walked around the halls in a blur, dizzy and star struck by the array of editors, agents, authors, and special speakers.
You guessed it. I am a writer and a wannabe author. I jumped out of the shoot with a speculative fiction trilogy, a hard sell in the Christian market. I have never been one to look before I leap. My first workshop was entitled “Practice Your Pitch.” The instructor was excellent and I got to first base with two editors. Now I must wait to see if I will make a Home Run.
This blog will detail my Batting Average as a writer to a published author. I hope that others will join and comment on their Strikeouts and Grand Slams. Since writing is only one of my many passions, there will be room for other ramblings. The speakers and discussion groups during the conference challenged us to open our eyes to a field ripe for harvest.
The diverse group of men and women wanting to change the world through the power of the written word was humbling. New friendships were forged as we sifted through the plethora of information provided by a talented and caring staff. As we prepared to head home, and back to our keyboards, many of us exchanged emails and phone numbers. The eyes of our hearts no longer clouded and blurred with the vision of our names in print but bright with a new focus.
I arrived at the conference with query and manuscripts having a single-minded purpose, to have my first book published. I left with a new perspective of who I am, what I have been called to do, and how much there is to be done for the sake of justice and compassion in this world. I will Write His Answer.
Post your passion.
You guessed it. I am a writer and a wannabe author. I jumped out of the shoot with a speculative fiction trilogy, a hard sell in the Christian market. I have never been one to look before I leap. My first workshop was entitled “Practice Your Pitch.” The instructor was excellent and I got to first base with two editors. Now I must wait to see if I will make a Home Run.
This blog will detail my Batting Average as a writer to a published author. I hope that others will join and comment on their Strikeouts and Grand Slams. Since writing is only one of my many passions, there will be room for other ramblings. The speakers and discussion groups during the conference challenged us to open our eyes to a field ripe for harvest.
The diverse group of men and women wanting to change the world through the power of the written word was humbling. New friendships were forged as we sifted through the plethora of information provided by a talented and caring staff. As we prepared to head home, and back to our keyboards, many of us exchanged emails and phone numbers. The eyes of our hearts no longer clouded and blurred with the vision of our names in print but bright with a new focus.
I arrived at the conference with query and manuscripts having a single-minded purpose, to have my first book published. I left with a new perspective of who I am, what I have been called to do, and how much there is to be done for the sake of justice and compassion in this world. I will Write His Answer.
Post your passion.
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People from every walk of life are speculating the possibility of World War III and the End Times. If you have ever wondered about the proph...
The dictionary tells us dispatched means to be sent off or sent away with promptness or speed. When we are dispatched quickly we are on an i...
As a fantasy writer, I love stories about warriors brandishing swords to slay dragons while the Angel Armies of Heaven cheer the hero's ...