Wednesday, December 29, 2021


Self-control has become a flashy concept. This hyphenated English word has turned heads and grabbed headlines since the 1960's. People spend millions of dollars every year on the latest Self Help program trying to harness this elusive virtue. Controlling our desires has proven to be the epitome of "easier said than done."

Let's face it...the reason we keep coming back for more every year is because there is a lot more riding on this than saying "NO" to another Oreo!

The good news for believers is we have our own super power living within us- the Holy Spirit- to help with our personal transformations. Think of self-control as the glue that holds the other virtues together. We can't love properly without it. We will never experience real joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and gentleness without developing self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23)

This fruit, as it's called in the Bible, is the result of the Holy Spirit's presence in our lives. As we live our lives in Christ we grow a little bit at a time. With God's help we don't have to struggle to measure up to some impossible standard. Change will come as we continue to draw close to Him. 

Jesus is our example and he also grew and developed as he worshiped God. We can't change by believing in the 'gospel of self-help'. Instead, we are guaranteed to be Transformed by the renewing of our minds."So don't be conformed to this world; instead be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so you can prove what is good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God." (Romans 12:2)

Monday, December 20, 2021


Some people have the idea that God carries around a list, like Santa, giving him a blow by blow description of everything they have done wrong in their lives. Maybe you are one of those people who believe its only the church goers who get their prayers answered; not some runaway sinner like you.  You imagine if you keep off the radar God will forget about you and shoot that lighting bolt of vengeance in some other poor souls direction. Somewhere along the line you were told that God gets glory when you suffer in silence and accept your lot in life.

WHAT A LIE! The Bible tells us God gets glory when the lame walk and the blind see!

God sent his son into this dark, hurting world to seek and save the lost.  Jesus was born on our harsh planet not to condemn humanity but to heal your diseases, to deliver you from all your hurts and disappointments, and to set you free from every type of bondage so you can live with hope and joy.

As you approach this Christmas and New Year, realize one thing.  Jesus keeps no record of wrongs. He told us to ask and receive.  Instead of running away, go to the manger just as you are. Don't be afraid to tell Him what you need.  Our problems and failures seem huge to us but "nothing is impossible with God." Let this be the year you begin to believe He cares for the naughty and nice.

Luke 19:10  "For the Son of man came to save that which was lost."
Salvation is just the beginning of all God has in store for those who trust Jesus.  He intends to save us from our sins, and everything that tries to ruin our lives.

John 3:17  "For God did not send his Son into the world in order to pass sentence on people, but that humanity might find salvation and be made safe and sound through Him.

A father came to Jesus and told him a spirit would often throw his son into both the fire and water, intending to kill him. The dad begged Jesus and said,  BUT IF YOU CAN DO ANYTHING have mercy and help us.

Jesus answered him as he answers us....."All things are possible if you will believe."  Mark 9:23


Wednesday, December 8, 2021


 Funny how "The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year" has a way of magnifying our sins and failures. As I sat at my desk pondering what I could possibly write to encourage others when my own thoughts were full of defeat and condemnation... God showed up... in my morning devotional with a word that set me back on the right track.  

You don't have to get to the end of your struggle to experience wholeness. Jesus came to forgive our sins and bridge the gap that separates us from God. Let His presence soothe your anxiety and give you peace and a sound mind. Accept His forgiveness this Christmas and share his gifts of mercy, grace and love with others. Remind this generation that God sent His only son into the world to forgive their sins. "She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins." (Matthew 1:21)


"Come now, let's settle this," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool." (Isaiah 1:18  NLT)

Tuesday, November 2, 2021



Have you ever been so down and out you felt alone in your corner?  Maybe your emotions are telling you no one really cares, no one understands what you are going through and at this point in life's journey you are sure things will never change. Sometimes life throws us a punch we think we can't recover from, so we stay down and decide it's just too much trouble to get up and try again. Before you throw in the towel let me assure you defeat is not your only option.

God is in your corner.

 If you will let Him into your world he will be your coach. He wants to take your life to places you can't take yourself. Once you sign on with God he will begin a training program, created just for you, to help you reach your best potential. You will need a trainer,,,that is where Jesus comes into the picture. He becomes your teacher, role model and friend who will help you see the champion you are meant to become. In this boxing ring we call life you are going to need a trusted manager to help you  negotiate the path to the final round. The Holy Spirit will keep you motivated to fight the good fight of faith as long as you're on this earth.

 God loves you. He knew life would be hard so he prepared a way through every struggle even when their seems to be no way out. Jesus is the way.  His hand is reaching out to help you get up off the floor and get back in the fight. You don't have to just roll with the punches, you can rise above your present circumstances and reach for the prize. That Championship Belt is called eternal life.

If you want to give God a try, I have included a prayer for salvation.
Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ, Your only Son. Your word says, "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Acts 2;21). I am calling on you. I ask Jesus to come into my heart and be Lord over my life. Salvation is your gift to me. I can't earn it. It's free. No strings attached. I believe and confess with my mouth that Jesus is Your Son the Savior of the world. I believe he died on the cross for me, and took all my sins, paying the price for them. I believe in my heart You raised Jesus from the dead and He is alive today. I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and ask for forgiveness. By faith I receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I am saved! I will spend eternity with You. Thank you Father. I am part of the winning team and I'm grateful. In Jesus name. Amen.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


 Today, everybody has an opinion. Not only do we feel passionate about our convictions we also tend to share our thoughts loudly and without censure. Our culture has morphed into a playing field where we care little for the welfare of our verbal opponents. Our priority is to make our point at any cost.

Don't get me wrong. We all need to have hills we die on and no amount of cancel culture should shake us. But here's my point...some of our opponents are rotting in God's Harvest Field. We are needed now, more than ever before, to humbly join the fray and lead this generation to Christ. "The harvest is plentiful , but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." (Luke 10:2)

 Jesus is saying to us..."I tell you , lift up your eyes, and look at the fields; for they are ready for harvest." (John 4:35-38) It doesn't take a bible scholar to see what is happening around us. We are living in perilous times and watching the corruption of humanity unfold before our eyes. The bottom line is people will die eternally unless the son's and daughter's of God intervene.

God gave us a blueprint of how we can act in our woke culture. "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

What does acting justly, loving mercy and walking humbly have to do with the harvest?

Justice is doable when we realize how important the harvest field is to our heavenly father. Salvation of souls is still His first priority and unless we let our inflated idea of self die and replace it with an attitude of love and respect for each other people will remain dead in sin with little or no knowledge of their eternal future.  

 It takes deliberate thought and self control to show compassion and acceptance to people who are argumentative and combative. When our reason in the discussion is to win a convert and not our point it becomes easier to use our words wisely to bring a sense of peace to a heated conversation. In many instances people with opposing views feel misunderstood. We certainly don't have to agree with their point of view but it is our job to make them feel heard and respected. 

Jesus has shown us mercy by his example. The world we live in wants revenge but God commands us to forgive and let it go: not once but over and over again, just as He forgives us. We are His ambassadors on the earth right now. In order to reap a harvest we need to bring a better perspective to this madness we are living in.

 With all the division we face on a daily basis the only way to stay centered and focused on sharing our faith with the people in our circle of influence is to begin each day in the word of God. His truth, not our opinion, is what will draw people to God's light. In this world where people are proud, abusive and full of hatred we need to show kindness. 

Humility acts out of love and obedience to God's principles. We can't make disciples of all nations by screaming, ranting and belittling others. Our mission is to carefully and gently lead them away from error and into the truth. Look around you. People are lost, afraid, hurting and confused. Believers hold the answers humanity seeks. Let's not waste this opportunity. This is the Harvest Season.



Wednesday, August 4, 2021


 I don't know about you, but sometimes I need to stop what I'm doing and "Re-Set" my "Mind-Set."  The truth is I need to revisit this fluctuating area of my thought life on a regular basis. If I'm not paying attention I get caught in the cycle of stinkin-thinkin. You know what I mean, that degrading self talk that whispers stuff like, You're not smart enough, Your worthless, You're unlovable, and the list of lies goes on and on.

Many of us understand the pattern all too well. We start to believe God has a good plan for our lives and we move forward with strength and conviction until we  hit some form of opposition and the old fears come crashing down in our thoughts again. We know where this cycle of self sabotage is coming from yet we allow these defeating ideas to distract us from reaching our goals.

The good news is when we find ourselves falling back into the negativity trap, stop and refocus on who God says you are. If you are one of the millions of people who struggle in this area I have one suggestion that is tried and proven to work miracles in the outcome of your success. Simply make a list of the promises in the Bible that speak to your current situation. Begin your day reading the list and ask God to help you believe what He says about you and the situation you are facing. There is one catch...millions of people know about this method and they try once or twice to defeat this battle but the negative thoughts return. Don't give up on yourself. Own your future. Give yourself time to develop a mental strategy to stay the course. You are a child of God, His masterpiece, and everything about you is special to your Heavenly Father. 

When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior He gives us the power to choose what the 'TALK BUBBLES' in our mind tell us. We don't have to believe the toxic stuff other people say about us, or bend in fear to our circumstances, or be upset and anxious about what is happening in the world around us. This is not about the power of positive thinking. God cares about us and its His power in our life that changes us. God is greater than any self defeating thought that pops into our heads. Think of each day as a clean, fresh canvas and God wants to paint a new portrait of you with every sunrise. Deliberately Re-Setting your mind on a daily basis takes work, but at the end of the day you will find it gets easier to capture those defeated thoughts and replace them with God's powerful promises. What we think and believe about ourselves and our future affects how we live, love and dream. Jesus wants you to experience life to the fullest.  Don't focus on past failures instead fix your eyes on today's victory. Your potential rests in the mind games you choose to play.

What does the Bible says about how God sees me



Wednesday, July 14, 2021


 For years, many of us believed when we sent our kids to school they were safely learning their ABC's in an environment of parent/teacher trust. Not anymore. Our public schools have become indoctrination centers where our children are fed Leftist propaganda in an attempt to steal their core values of faith, family and freedom. We cannot sit back and watch our children become easy prey to this left wing agenda.

Parents are being broadsided by our Teachers Union on two fronts. First on their agenda is Critical Race Theory, CRT, a curriculum that promotes the idea that America is a racist country and we should be ashamed of our history. These anti American extremists have rewritten history to elevate the role of racism in order to divide us as a nation and ultimately control everything we do. It is essentially reformulated Marxism and the desire of those promoting this ideology is to turn our children against their parents,families and churches to support the goals taught in school. The teachers encourage children to turn in parents who question or challenge these concepts. If your skin is white,you are automatically guilty of racism. It doesn't matter what your reputation and character say about you. If you are black or brown you will never measure up  and will always be a victim. This curriculum encourages children to hate their country and be ashamed of the color of their skin. You don't need a college degree to realize how damaging this is to their emotional well being. This ideology has been peculating since the 1970's while quietly building steam and infiltrating colleges. At this point CRT has seeped into grade schools, the workplace, main stream media and politics.

Adding insult to injury, the school system is bombarding the classroom with sexually explicit content disguised as Sex Ed. Comprehensive Sexuality Education, CSE, is another agenda driven curriculum encouraging early sexual activity by normalizing youth sex. Schools are promoting and pushing multiple sexual orientations and gender identities as being the norm. They are grooming our children as easy targets for sexual abuse, experimentation and trafficking. These sick tactics the curriculum uses are proven to desensitize kids to the assault of adult predators. In California, parents are pushing back against a health book with sections on oral sex, bondage and drug use. Much of the content schools use comes from Planned Parenthood and the LGBTQ platforms. While schools tell children they can be born in the wrong body so its okay to physically change your gender they completely ignore science and never mention the Christian idea that sex should be saved for marriage. Other schools show preteens-10 to 13 year olds- videos highlighting how to pleasure your sex partner while giving fifth graders condoms. Most schools have no problem secretly telling young girls how and where to get an abortion without parental consent. This ungodly regime is deliberately perverting the hearts, souls and minds of an innocent generation. 


  1. Organize a group of like minded parents. Hold meetings and educate yourselves. Ask your school district what curriculum they are using and if they embrace these two curriculum's challenge them and don't back down.
  2. Sign up for emails from the Child Protection League, CPL,This organization will send you resources to distribute to other parents and churches. Muster all the help you can get.
  3. Contact your Governors. They can decide to ban Critical Race Theory by deciding what money your state takes from the Department of Education. They can decline federal funding for this Marxist curriculum.
  4. Plug into all the resources available. Help is out there! Knowledge is power. Below are a few links to get you started. 


Parents Defending Education

What are they learning

The only way for conservatives to fail is to do nothing. Many parents are pushing back against this ruthless takeover of our great nation. WE ARE WINNING!  Don't let them lie to us, intimidate us or bully us. Keep fighting. Our children are the targets they are after. Let them know we have had enough!

But whoever causes one of these little ones who believes in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and be drowned in the depth of the sea. (Matthew 18:6)

Wednesday, June 2, 2021


The iconic Golden Gate Bridge is said to be one of the "Wonders of the Modern World." This grand title, bestowed upon a steel structure, is partially due to its complex concrete foundation. Ironically, this sure foundation is hidden under 110 feet of swirling, turbulent water in the middle of San Francisco Bay. The men who designed this bridge knew it would need a foundation capable of withstanding strong winds, turbulent currents, heavy load capacity, and earth quake forces. Seems like a lot to ask of an underwater piling.

In the phrase "faith is the substance of things hoped for," the apostle Paul is telling us faith under-girds our deepest and most personal prayer requests. Our faith, like the foundation of the Golden Gate Bridge, has substance. In other words, faith is not just a figure of speech, hidden below the abyss of biblical instruction. Our belief must be like a solid piling, holding us steady, so we can withstand life's greatest storms. Faith grows stronger when we listen and apply God's instruction to our lives.

 Many people believe we are living in unprecedented times and are fearful of what the future holds. Now more than ever we need to trust and lean on God for assurance but we have to be more than just an informed believer with a head full of knowledge with little conviction. We might be able to quote scripture and argue our opinion but when the tide rises and pressure from outside forces flood our lives, lukewarm Christians will show their true colors by caving to the demands of fear and unbelief. 

On the other hand, real believers won't throw in the towel when trouble comes in like a flood. Instead, active faith sees difficult circumstances with spiritual sight. When faith is cemented in our minds we will be convinced that regardless of what our current situation looks like, sounds like, and feels like, there is a God who hears us, answers our prayers, and will never leave us or forsake us. When we build our faith on the unerring word of God we will withstand every hurricane we face with enough confidence to weather each storm in peace.

"For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which we already have - which is Jesus Christ." (1 Corinthians 3:11)


Wednesday, May 5, 2021


 We should all know by now that what we feed our minds makes a huge difference in our quality of life. The experts lay down the groundwork to help us become healthier, happier, more tranquil, and content so we can enjoy the utopian lifestyle we dream about. You would think all this information and knowledge would produce a culture of confident individuals. Yet, according to the APA, Americans are facing a national mental health crisis that spans generations. From Gen Z to senior citizens, people of all ages and from all walks of life are feeling overwhelmed and afraid of the current issues facing our nation. As anxiety and depression become our emotional norm rather than the exception these two very real enemies to our health have the ability to paralyze us or they can be used to strengthen our faith.

Maybe the disconnect in our mind-body connection is our spirit. God told us over 2000 years ago "...don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers letting God know your concerns." (Philippians 4: 6-7 Msg) No matter what is causing you to be stressed out give Him the sacrifice of praise. It's easy to thank Him when life is going well, but its crucial to our mental and physical health to thank Him when it seems like the sky is falling. For some of us, the reason we don't ask for God's help is because we are not sure how to approach Him. If that is you, just talk to him like you do a trusted friend. "God my life is falling apart and I need help" a prayer.

When you approach anxiety with prayer expect your thoughts to go back to the problem over and over again but choose to fight it. Each time you find yourself fearing the worst take it back to God. It might take a hundred tries a day but believe me when you persist in faith you will see fear and discouragement turn into faith and endurance. God promises us victory.

I have included a few scripture verses for you to memorize along with a suggestion of how to pray along with the verse. When fear raises its ugly head in your thoughts you can fire back with His weapon of warfare.

"Cast all your worry on the Lord because he cares about you."  1 Peter 5:7     Lord, you said I am to tell you about what is bothering me. I am afraid and feel like I am at the end of my rope. Instead of worrying about this stuff I'm trusting you to take care of me. Thank you Jesus. Amen

"Do not fear for I am with you. Do not be anxious for I am your God. I will strengthen you and I will help you, I will hold you up.""  Isaiah 43:5     Lord Jesus, I refuse to be afraid because you are with me. I won't let anxiety fill my mind because you are God and you are bigger than my problems. I choose to believe You will give me the strength to overcome my problems and you are here to help me. Thank you Lord. Amen

"Don't be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading along with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Philippians 4:6     Lord, I feel anxious but in faith I am asking you to help me with these defeated feelings. I believe your word does not lie so I'm believing you will be here to help me. Thank you for protecting my emotions. Amen

When I first began to talk to God in prayer I thought it was an overly simplified suggestion to help me deal with my anxiety. As time went on and I kept believing God's wisdom over my own ideas I had less and less sleepless nights. It took nights sitting alone with my Bible, praying Psalm 91 for protection over my family, to finally settle me. Prayer is by far the best answer to all of life's struggles.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021


Biblically speaking, we are soldiers engaged in warfare. Our weapons are not physical, like guns or grenades but they are more powerful than their physical counterparts.

God tells us to suite up! Put on the full armor of God because our battle is not against our political rivals and their socialist agenda. Instead, we find our enemy hiding in the heart and mind of the human host. 

Satan is our enemy and his army is alive and well, infiltrating the thoughts, soul, and spirit of a generation that has been deceived and deprived of the message of salvation. Unfortunately, many Christians downplay spiritual warfare and have inadvertently opened a door to a battlefield that is bolder and more intense than we could have imagined a few decades ago. So what can believers do to counteract this assault?

Get Back to Basic Training. 
Prayer is warfare activity. It is a strategic weapon that should be our first line of defense. Think of prayer as hand to hand combat strategically driven by a passion to see our requests answered. We can pray anywhere, at ant time and with all types of prayers. Just talking to God is a form of prayer. There is no need for formality. "Keep on asking and you will receive." (Matthew 7:7)

Pray without ceasing. 
The Bible teaches us to be in communication with God 24/7.  We are to pray when the enemy is far off and when he is at our door.  In other words keep your weapon loaded and ready. Our ammunition is faith. Our equipment won't fire unless we load this cartridge into the chamber of our hearts. Expect God to answer in his time and his way, no matter how long it takes. "Do not be anxious about anything., but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God. (Philippians 4:6)

Engage the enemy.
Prayer is an exercise in discipline, faith, and trust. You can't fight unless you trust your Commander in Chief, Jesus Christ. The enemy uses people to carry out his evil plans but we are fighting a spiritual battle that can not be won with human devices. Our best laid plans fail to bring lasting reform. Only God can change a life and he tells us, his soldiers, to pray for our enemies, for those who persecute us, for those who hate us and for those who are eternally lost. The enemy will use whatever obstacles he can to distract us from this mission. When you drop the ball, and chances are you will, pick it up again. Discipline is not about perfection as much as little steps of obedience. "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." (Colossians 4:2)

God is raising up an army. 
Together, like a massive military revolution, we can hold hands across the globe and pray for an outpouring of God's forgiveness and love. Let's turn up the heat and spend some serious time in the trenches, on our knees, praying for God to heal our families, our nation and our world. He promises to hear and answer us. "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Wednesday, January 13, 2021


Moving forward into the uncertainty of 2021 we need to make a choice. Will we gaze into the crystal ball the news media and our political leaders predict is coming on the horizon or will we fearlessly stand on the promises of God.  "Therefore, be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming." Matthew 24:42
Many of us feel abandoned right now and wonder where God is hiding in this mess we call America. Personally, I believe God is standing right next to us as we head into this storm. God gave us His instruction manual, the Bible, to help us navigate through the lies and deceit of our current culture. Looking at the condition of our country we can no longer sugarcoat God's Word to appease hardened hearts and deaf ears. Our nation needs God...NOW...and we carry His light of salvation into a dark and spiritually empty world. 
The book of Hebrews encourages believers to stand strong when the world's pressure is greatest. We need to encourage and comfort each other but we also need to warn those who are drifting away. The Bible never teaches us that we won't suffer, face persecution, trials, and affliction because of our beliefs. ( 1Thessalonians 3:2-3 ) The battle is going to get more intense and we must be ready and aware of the signs of a spiritual problem in ourselves and others.
As we can see, some people only want to hear bits and pieces of the Gospel message while ignoring what they deem antiquated and irrelevant to our new 'cancel culture.' They tune out and make God's truth fit a narrative of their own making. God warns us that if we ignore his precepts we will start to drift away from sound teaching, abandon the faith, and accept doctrines that demons teach. (1 Timothy 4:1)
Granted, our new spiritual guides think they have it all figured out, they think they no longer need God to guide them, but that kind of arrogance equals failure. Cling to the Word of God found in the Bible and don't believe every new teaching that comes down the pipe. Check your beliefs against what the Bible teaches and reject ideologies that don't align with God's truth. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring but I do know God's word alone will stand the test of time.