Wednesday, February 28, 2024


The dictionary tells us dispatched means to be sent off or sent away with promptness or speed. When we are dispatched quickly we are on an important mission and we should take the call very seriously.

The last thing Jesus instructed his followers to do before he ascended into heaven was to GO and share the Gospel with those who don't know the Good News of Salvation. We are all called to be God's ambassadors, his spokesmen on earth. Some of us will be called to mission fields across the ocean and to remote place not yet explored. But let's face facts...most of us won't be called to the remote jungles of the Amazon, however, we are all Sent into our own backyard mission fields.  "GO..and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19

Take a look around. Society today has a polluted view of Jesus in spite of the fact that there is a church on every corner. Many of us shy away from engaging our lost family members, coworkers and friends because calling out sin is considered hate speech. However, the truth of the situation is that people will burn in hell for lack of spiritual knowledge. Many people today have bought into the lies of the secular culture that perverts the grace and love of God into a license for immorality and deny the real word written in the Bible. The new fake gospel touts living a life of your own misguided choosing. No matter how loving and inclusive this ideology is cracked up to be, in truth its deliberate deception created by Satan is meant to lead the uninformed astray. Many ungodly people are trying to push their agenda into our churches. We can't live contrary to God's teaching and call ourselves Christians.

Jesus said we are the salt of the earth but if salt looses its flavor its useless. We are 'sent' into a tasteless world to be like a preservative to add truth to what is spoiled in the culture by sin and falsehood. Salt is God's standards that we are encouraged to live up to. We are not to try to bring the error of the culture into church teachings we are to speak truth and allow the Holy Spirit to do his transforming work in the heart of the unbeliever. Our responsibility is to know what God's word says and be willing to defend our stand and not be swayed by opposing opinions.  

We don't need to be intimidated by a counterfeit gospel. God's word equips us and qualifies us to stand up for the souls of the lost. Jesus was known to eat and socialize with sinners in order to show us how to engage the lost without assimilating into their world. Like Jesus we are to inspire people to change their ways and follow in Jesus footprints. Build yourself up in faith by really knowing what the word of God says. Pray in the Holy Spirit and keep yourself free from sin that easily entangles all of us. Confess when you fall, turn back to Jesus and keep moving forward. Be merciful to those who doubt; speak truth to those running head first into a sinful lifestyle; show mercy mixed with fear. (Jude 1:20)

Jesus said,"the harvest of souls is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the Harvest to send out workers into his fields." Luke 10:2