The most powerful forces known to man are not nuclear weapons, nor nature’s awesome wonders, such as the might of an earthquake, the power of the sun, or mastery of a hurricane, but the thoughts and ideas of the mind. There are cases of people dying in their sleep from a frightening dream, along with studies of otherwise healthy men and women who while awake have actually been scared to death! Mental health professionals say many people who are calling their hot lines have reached their breaking point. Fear is the number one emotion responsible for their feelings of hopelessness.
He will not be afraid of evil tidings. I admit, reading the news gives me a tight feeling in my chest, family problems push me over the edge, and the economic crisis makes me sick to my stomach. Uncertainty has become a way of life. Anxiety over current events spills into our daily conversation. National security, world peace, a sound economy, financial stability, health, and safety are only a few of the headlines that vie for our attention. The clinical experts say I have GAD. In laymen’s terms; I’m anxious, and fearful.
His heart (mind) is firmly fixed. Fear, like an emotional terrorist, can literally render me its prisoner wreaking havoc on my mind and body. As a believer how can I glorify God when I feel and act like a coward? Spiritually I need to stop fooling around and listen, I mean really listen, to the words of the Great Physician. Long before we had the availability of mental health clinics, God gave us some great advice. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+91&version=NIV However, counsel is only valuable when we use it and take it to heart.
Trusting confidently in the Lord. I found some great tips for anyone who needs to keep fear from becoming their breaking point.
1. Pay attention to your self-talk. Flood your mind with positive messages, preferably from the Bible. Take them to heart, memorize them, and believe they are promises you can count on today.
2. Pray. Prayer will sooth your mind and calms your soul.
3. Help someone else. Fear tends to make us shut ourselves in, away from what is truly beneficial to our emotional health.
While writing this post, my grandson’s 10 lb. puppy began barking and growling ferociously at the door. I followed him outside as he charged fearlessly toward the perceived threat. He looked over his shoulder to make sure I was there and then ran forward like a roaring lion. I think this is how God wants us to deal with our fear. Believe He is right there with us, so we can run forward with confidence and face our future.
I will not be afraid of evil tidings; my heart and mind are firmly fixed, trusting confidently in the Lord. Psalm 112:7 (paraphrased by me )
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