Sunday, January 1, 2017


 When coaches are searching for potential hurdlers they are not looking for the tallest, the fastest, or the strongest athlete but instead the person who is not afraid of hard work, has a good attitude, and is committed to the sport.  Hurdlers need to put their minds and bodies through some tough lessons to learn the techniques associated with jumping. The coach realizes most beginners, no matter how dedicated, experience the same weaknesses. Although the hurdle is an inanimate object; it just sits there- many new athletes fear it. It begins to grow in their minds eye and they lose their focus. Once the athlete stutter steps as he makes the approach, the jump is compromised, and he ends up knocking the hurdle down, disqualifying him from the race.

Although I'm not an athlete per se; I am a hurdler in a spiritual race, and totally understand this concept since life if full of obstacles. We are told in the bible to, "Fear nor, for I am with you; Be not discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10 NIV) As a spiritual athlete in training, the Holy Spirit began to teach me how to successfully jump life's hurdles.

The first thing I needed to learn was how to condition my mind and emotions daily in order to make them strong. The best way to develop spiritual muscle is by soaking up the word of God. This might seem like hard work in the beginning but when you stick with it, studying the word energizes you. The second thing we need is a good attitude so we can "mentally" approach a hurdle without fear. When we focus on our problems they seem bigger than they really are and we forget our God is with us. My coach taught me not to look at the hurdles in life as obstacles to be avoided or stressed out over. These temporary problems are used as training tools by God to strengthen us so we learn to trust and rely on him. The last thing a spiritual athlete must do is stay committed to the race. As believers, our growth in the Lord takes time, effort and prayer.

Once I learned to deliberately direct my focus on God, I began to have a steady stride that propelled me forward in faith. No matter what hurdle you might be running toward in your life God promises to be with you, to strengthen you, to help you, and to uphold you.