Wednesday, December 7, 2022


As a catholic, I grew up with the story of Christ's birth embedded in my mind. Year after year I heard the story about wise men, shepherds and angels visiting the baby born in a manger. God's own son.

But as I grew older, the magic faded and Christmas became just another expensive tradition. I found myself getting so caught up in the holiday madness I forgot I could still follow Bethlehem's star.

It wasn't until I took a breath from all the things on my 'To Do List' and focused on the biblical account of the virgin birth that I began to make my way back to the manger.

I started my journey in the book of Matthew chapter 2 and while I read, I traveled with the astrologers known as wise men to overcrowded Jerusalem during the time of a census of the entire Roman world. We are told these wealthy, well educated scholars from the east read the stars and believed a new king was born. When the star they followed settled over the stable where the Christ Child slept they rejoiced and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Gold is considered by most people to be the universal symbol of love when given as a gift. Like the wise men, we can give Jesus our hearts and attention as we enter this busy time of year. When we pray and worship Him throughout the days ahead, imagine your voice and thoughts rising up to heaven like the fragrant scent of frankincense burning in the temple. Myrrh is a healing resin. When we lighten someone's burden this holiday season we are serving the King of King this Christmas.

 I switched gears and read Luke 2:8-14 to see what I could learn learn from the shepherds who were watching their sheep in the fields. Unlike the wealthy men who followed the star to Bethlehem these men were simple folk working for a living. They were not looking for anything special that night but angels met them in the fields and told them about the miracle that was taking place right around the corner. Imagine... thousands of people were in the city for the census and no one else noticed the bright star in the sky or heard the angels voices. 

It could have been a scene from modern day New York City, California, Washington D.C. or any other metropolitan city in the United States with multitudes looking for peace, love, and joy in all the wrong places.

Millions of people miss the reality of God's message to the world each year. Whether you are a bystander or a seeker this Christmas...don't miss the manger. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. "When you seek me you will find me when you seek me with all of your heart." Jeremiah 29:13

Wednesday, November 9, 2022


"Don't look for shortcuts to God. The market is flooded with surefire, easygoing formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time. Don't fall for that stuff, even though crowds of people do. The way to life-to God- is vigorous." (Matthew 7:13-14 MSG)

So what does it look like to travel this High Road? Well for starters, it's hard work. We will need to re-set how we think and act and we have to break free from believing the opinion of  unbelievers and what they say is right and wrong, and look to God's word for direction. On the high road, the Bible points the way, and acts as our compass. "Thy word is a lamp for my feet, and a light for my path." (Psalm 119:105)

I'll site a few familiar scenarios, as we walk this lofty road because there is much to learn, and you can fill in the blanks with your own. Let's start with a tough one for all of us. Forgiveness. Most of us would rather hold onto a grudge than be the first to let go of a hurt. Yet the Bible is clear as to how we should respond when someone hurts us. "You are familiar with the old saying, 'Love your friend, hate your enemy.' God is challenging that. "I'm saying instead love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst." (Matthew 5:43-48 MSG) He also says, " Be kind and compassionate to each other, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you." (Ephesians 4:32) This kind of thinking and acting is alien to most people but its mandatory when you walk the higher moral ground.

Here is another saying that has caught on in our generation. "It's just a little white lie." Have you ever been tempted to fudge the truth? Maybe you added a little more backstory to make the gossip about your coworker more spicy. We might reason away the lie because to us it was just a slight deception. In reality a lie is a lie and is displeasing to God. In our day and age, lying is rarely called out but if your walking the narrow path  'little lies' are a big deal to our Heavenly Father. "You should not bear false witness against your neighbor." Exodus 20:16 

Maybe you tend to linger on porn sites and rationalize your enjoyment with the excuse "What difference does it make, everybody does it". I think it has become clear that when we flirt with things that are spiritually wrong we get trapped in the devil's snare. "Dear friends, I urge you as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sexual desires, which wage war against your soul."  ( 1 Peter 2:11) 

So what is the bottom line here? What am I trying to share? In my own experience, it takes a lot of effort not to follow the crowd. Sometimes its down right confusing and frustrating when God's ways are so different from what we are used to doing and what everyone else says is okay. As I make this climb on the Narrow Road of life, I have to admit l fall down and miss the mark many times. Sometimes I'm down for months, other times I get back up immediately and take small steps back up the hill. The important thing to remember is we serve a loving and forgiving God who wants to help us succeed. God holds out his hand to pull us up every time we mess up so we can finish the climb. "We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)

The High Road may look empty and lonely but there are many other Christians making this journey. If you are feeling alone in your struggles, reach out to someone you trust at church. Make the climb with other like -minded people. You might make some new friends along the way.

Thursday, November 3, 2022


A few years ago I was not all that interested in what went on in Washington D.C., but even a weak patriot like me realized if I didn't step up to the plate my children and grandchildren would inherit this dark political arena. Each law Congress passes proves we are heading into dangerous territory and whether we like it or not the powers to be are annihilating our freedoms. 

In a calculated way, God fearing Americans are the new gladiators in this amphitheater of  injustice.

Each one of us has a part to play no matter how small our personal arena of influence. Our voices and opinions matter, in our homes, the workplace, schools, and local politics. Make no mistake, the next generation is watching and listening. If we don't speak out the only voices they will hear is the "official narrative" of the shameful deceivers. 

Dare to be different in a culture that thrives on conformity and false information. Stand apart from the bullies who insist you bow to the gods of political correctness. Take part in this fight for the future of our country. Real faith will not sit on the bleachers and watch as our fellow patriots are thrown to the big tech lions, or crucified by the tribunal of democratic puppets. Real faith will always do something.

Above all...TAKE HEART.  "Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord."( Psalm 34: 24)

"This is the worst time to fold. This is the worst time to doubt. Fear is not an option." (Mario Murillo)





Tuesday, August 16, 2022


Trying to control life's circumstances is like fighting a  rip current. Our human nature wants to fix every problem, right all the world's wrongs, and stay emotionally strong in the process. Yet, no matter how hard we try to stay trouble free, sorrow can flood our lives like a sudden deadly tidal force.

Long before we start swimming against the unpredictable currents of life, we need to realize no one can manipulate the tides of their own personal journey.

We tend to believe we know the best way to manage the unpleasant events of life and if we keep pushing we will have a better chance of swimming free of unpleasant outcomes. Unfortunately, control is an illusion that drowns us in anxiety, frustration and fear.

The good news is you don't have to drown. You can stay afloat without trying to handle your problems alone.  The Bible tells us to..."Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7) Jesus always hands us a lifeline.

When you find yourself caught in a rip current, don't panic. You don't have to be a church member to ask God for help. Maybe you have been struggling for years trying to make it on your own and the current has pulled you far from shore and you think all hope is gone. If that sounds like you get ready... help is on the way.

Jesus reaches out to saints and sinners alike. He still heals broken hearts, sets addicts free, restores sight to the blind, and opens deaf ears to hear and understand His message of hope. The world has changed but the message of the cross has not. Jesus did not come into the world to condemn people. He came to seek and save the lost.

Are you drowning in a sea of heartache, disease, affliction? Call out to Jesus. He is your lifeline.

"I sought the Lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 34:4

Wednesday, July 20, 2022


Lately I have been having a hard time keeping my mind in one place. My cell phone has exploded with social media distractions. My desire to keep up with breaking news has jumped into overdrive. The family is running from one event to the next at the speed of light, while I allow my own commitments to fall by the wayside. My brain is in chaos making it almost impossible to sit at my computer and get any work done.

So how can someone so scattered write a blog about staying focused? Actually, I'm at the perfect place to share with you what my life coach (the Holy Spirit) has been teaching me about getting from point A to point B without a mental meltdown. For the past few months I have been deliberately working on being consistent and determined in order to reach my writing goals. Both of these powerhouse energies are impossible to achieve without developing active focus.

First and foremost I needed to prioritize. "In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success." Proverbs 3:6 (TLB) I began to shut down the internet in the morning choosing to have coffee while reading the Bible instead of scrutinizing my emails and the news. I walk away from my time with God feeling empowered and strengthened to meet the day, instead of feeling dizzy with media overload. The next issue I had to deal with was a biggie for me... procrastination. "Never be lazy in your work. Serve the Lord with enthusiasm." Romans 12:11 (TLB)   I needed to discipline my time instead of wasting it. Putting my cell phone away while I worked was not easy, but in the long run, a lot more productive. Truth be told, nothing earth shattering happened on Facebook or Instagram that I couldn't catch up on later.

Last, but most important... I am learning that it's never to late to focus on the goals God has planned for you. Once you start to follow His leading and gain your footing, put your spiritual muscle to work. Fuel your focus! Starve mental chaos! Focus, consistency, and determination will lead the way to success in every area of your life. Our Life Coach promised..."I  (the Lord) will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." Psalm 32:8 (NLT)

Thursday, May 26, 2022


I don't know about you but my level of anxiety along with my bathroom scale has gone up exponentially this past year. Between family issues, business woe's, economic spikes and the future's bleak outlook, I expect to be double my current weight by the end of summer. All joking aside, we are living in very serious times. Everyone, regardless of political affiliation, will be affected by this surging storm of unrest.

Now here's the Christians we know God is in control BUT are we going to meet these crashing waves of food shortages, skyrocketing inflation or the next pandemic in faith or cower in fear. Most of us have heard the Bible story about Jesus's disciples being out in the ocean during a raging storm when all of a sudden they see Jesus walking toward them on top of the water.  This was completely amazing but they had all seen him do other incredible miracles prior to this. They watched him raise the dead, turn water to wine, open blind eyes and cast out demons, just to name a few. Yet only one man, Peter, trusted Jesus enough to get out of the boat and walk on the rough waves with him.

Like it or not, we are all in this national crisis together. We must continue to press froward to uphold our countries values of faith, family and freedom even in the face of violence, censorship and ridicule. Jesus hasn't changed. He won't let our country sink. Look around. You can see the tide is changing. Brave men and women are stepping into the water. Once you decide to get out of the boat you might need to write that well intended letter to congress you've been putting off, or sign the petition you have tucked away on your cell phone, or go to the school board meeting and take a stand for our children's future. Whatever we can do we must find the courage to get out of the boat of complacency and unbelief. Faith leads men to do courageous things.   Maybe this is your "walk on water" moment.

 "And Peter answered him and said,Lord, if its you, bid me come to you on the water. And Jesus said,"Come." And when Peter came out of the boat he walked on the water..."Matthew 14:28-29



Wednesday, May 4, 2022


There is good news and bad news as we hit the midway point in 2022. The good news is we're almost to the end! The bad ...we still have eight months to go. Now that I stated the obvious, let's take stock of where we are headed.

It doesn't matter if you're registered Red or Blue, because its a black and white issue. Our country is divided politically, racially, and culturally and like it or not we are headed into the biggest upheaval we have witnessed in our lifetimes. Not a pleasant thought, so I have compiled three ways we can try to handle the turbulence our nation has fallen into without becoming shark chum.

  • #1...DON'T PANIC! I think it has become clear that our government and science has failed us. We can't afford to spent time looking to 'the experts' for answers. The scientists are as confused as we are and our representatives have made mandates that are slanted against law abiding citizens. Some of our so called leaders are contributing to the chaos by allowing violence and murder to rule our streets. The good news is, no matter what may come out of this current disorder, God is still in control and has a plan for our future. Most of our country's problems stem from individuals turning away from God. Each person makes a choice but it's up to the church (us) to get the word of salvation out there. God's mandate is still the same. Jesus told us to be fishers of men. The fish have changed a lot over the years but sharks are fish...right?
  • #2...PAY ATTENTION! Don't tell yourself socialism will never come to this country. Be awake! We need change but our troubles are more dangerous than some political differences. We have entered the War Zone and are engaged in a spiritual battle. Make no mistake friends, this war calls for spiritual weapons. Put on the Full Armor of God! (Ephesians 6: 10-17) Christians are God's warriors in the army of Jesus Christ and it's time to Suit Up! I'm talking about prayer and fasting. We need revival in this country and it won't come until God's people really get on their knees and fight.
  • #3..BE INTENTIONAL! When we pray, think of those who are lost. Just as it was in the days of Noah, before the flood,  people are oblivious to God's coming judgement. (Matthew 24: 37-39)  Be that one person who believes Jesus will return when we least expect Him, and begin to look at this madness with a different motivation. God has given each one of us a fishing pole. There are many sharks to be fished out of this dirty water and saved for eternity. 
"When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a (battle) standard against him."( Isaiah 59: 19)

Saturday, April 16, 2022


After the long winter we finally had a beautiful warm weekend. It felt like I walked out my door into the Land of Oz. Overnight our back yard burst open with emerald green grass, colorful spring flowers and fresh budding trees.  Suddenly, I was delighting in warm sunshine, sporting bare legs, wearing my favorite flip flops,and sipping herbal tea on a lounge chair.

You can imagine my surprise when a weather alert appeared on my cell phone. Tornado Watch!

This type of storm is extremely rare in our State making the news flash seem impossible.  Yet, the report on my husbands weather scanner confirmed the prediction and warned everyone in our area to stay indoors for the next few hours.  I walked back outside and looked into the early night sky.  Creeping across the horizon to the west was a huge black mass.  Heavy grey clouds, full of lightning, intermittently broke through the darkness.  What struck me with fear was the eerie, dead silence of this thunderstorm as it moved forward in all its power.

 The swiftness of the unexpected made me realize how important it is to be prepared for life's storms. Before disaster strikes we need to be rooted and grounded in our belief system.  Jesus needs to be our trusted friend and counselor when the sky is still crystal clear and blue.

Z. Randall Stroope put these words of hope to song from fragments of Jewish text found on a cellar wall in Cologne, Germany during World War 11.   It is believed to have been scrawled by a child hiding from the Nazis.

I believe in the sun,  even when it is not shining.
And I believe in love, even when there's no one there.
And I believe in God even when he is silent.
I believe through any trial, there is always a way.
But sometimes in the suffering and hopeless despair
My heart cries for shelter, to know someone's there.
But a voice rises within me, saying hold on my child.
I'll give you strength, I'll give you hope,
Just stay a little while.

If your caught in the "eye of the storm," be encouraged.  God said, "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified, because the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you or forsake you."  Deuteronomy 31:6

Wednesday, March 2, 2022


 Our thoughts are a lot like waves. Sometimes our emotions are stormy and angry, other times choppy and unfocused, sometimes circumstances wipe us out leaving our psyche in s frenzy of confusion.

Unless we are grounded in faith, we will be tossed about and driven by our feelings. One minute our minds will rise to the crest of faith in hope and the next we will sink below the surface of doubt in despair. The Bible puts it this way. "When you ask, you  must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do. (James 1: 6-8 ) 

World news, coupled with our own personal circumstances, can leave us feeling hopeless in the face of all the chaos. Even though we are surrounded by trouble we need to fight the urge to quit. Instead, we are encouraged to continue to pray no matter how long it takes for God to answer our requests. As children of God we don't get a free pass. We are not privileged. We are not oblivious to the trouble surrounding us. Instead, God tells us to pray in faith...before we see any change... and fight our natural tendency to doubt. 

 We can't have schizophrenic faith and expect to ride our wave to victory. At some point, we have to stop living in the shallow waters of fear and unbelief  and go deeper to ride the "drop", the most uncertain moment of the wave. After all, life is always going to be unpredictable, thrilling and terrifying but God promises he will never leave or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5)

Heavenly Father,  Instead of fear and doubt I choose to let praise set the tone of my day. When doubt tries to overwhelm me, I will run to you as soon as I start to drift into unbelief. I believe you are my refuge and fortress, my God in whom I can trust.




Surfing info inspired by Srinivas Rao

Lessons from Surfers

Wednesday, February 2, 2022


  We don't need a PhD to realize God created two distinct sexes...Male(XY) and Female (XX) yet some parents, teachers and churches are allowing a false narrative to spin our kids lives out of control. In our attempt to include everyone's preferred pronoun we are participating in a lie that is leading this generation further away from God and the abundant life he's planned for them. So what has sparked the increase in sexual identity confusion? Many professionals think its influenced by group dynamics and social media. 

Sounds reasonable. Teens and young adults have always been peer conscious and tend to define themselves by the opinion of others. Let's face it...identity is a big deal. Everyone needs to be loved, valued and accepted. The way we perceive ourselves shapes the outcome of our lives. "As a man thinks in his mind, so he is."(Psalm 23:7) 

Unfortunately, these new social norms are telling us if we don't like a part of ourselves we can cancel our true identity and take on a new sexual orientation. It's as easy as transforming our bodies, our personalities, our sexuality, and slapping a new part of speech in front of our names. This idea will kill, steal, and destroy the lives of everyone following this path to self delusion. In the end your mind still comes with you on your transformation journey. Until you align your thinking with the correct source you will never be happy. 

The truth are not here on this planet by accident. "For you shaped me first inside then out; you formed me in my mother's womb. Body and soul I am wonderfully made, bit by bit you sculpted me into something amazing."(Psalm 139:13-14) God had you in mind at conception. He decided your gender before you were born. In His eyes you are beautiful/handsome, smart, talented, worthy, capable, and valuable. He has a purpose and plan for your life. HE KNOWS ALL ABOUT YOU. YOU ARE LOVED. YOU ARE CHOSEN. YOU ARE ENOUGH. 

 This world is confusing and scary right now "but God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7) Everyone has an opinion about this topic but the only thing that matters is God's truth. He alone can transform you into the person you want to be. Place your identity into the hands of Jesus, the one who gave his life to set you free. Believe what the Bible says about you.                           God doesn't make junk.