Friday, September 23, 2011

End Times ?

At the movies, on TV, in magazines, everywhere…people are talking about the end of the world.  I’m not a Bible scholar but it seems scripture wrote today’s world news thousands of years ago.  Prophecy is being fulfilled right before our eyes.  My kids would say I have been preaching the “End is Near” since I first became a believer 35 years ago. 

We could argue that during the time of the fall of Rome, the early church thought they were living in the end times.  Yet Jesus gives us many clues about what we can expect to see happen across the globe before He returns.  You can read these passages in the books of Daniel, Ezekiel, the gospels, and the entire book of Revelation.

 CNN Headline News is beginning to line up with scripture. 

However, there are a few ways to think about end times.  For instance, we are all assigned a time to live and a time to die.  We have no guarantee what tomorrow may bring.  If Jesus comes back today, tomorrow, or sometime in the distant future is not the question we should ask ourselves.  We need to live each day as though it were our last.

I think the times we live in are a sign of the return of our Savior…”yet he is patient with us not wanting any to perish.”  2 Peter 3: 9.  I believe we need to be alert and care about the future of this generation and those to come if Jesus tarries.

In the absence of a specific timetable, and world events falling into chaos, how should we live?  The Bible has plenty to say on the subject.  One verse in particular jumped out at me.

1.)  Communicate God’s word as if we are running out of time.  2 Tim. 4:1-4

Let’s face facts! Eventually, the harvest will be ripe and prophecy will be fulfilled.  Although we do not know the day or hour, Jesus will return when we least expect him, as in the days of Noah. 

I put together a youtube trailer to spread the word to any who might have lost their way or for those who do not take the words of God seriously.  Please check this out and share it with others.


Friday, September 9, 2011

God’s Truth Only Marches On in Your Boots!

An astounding Newsweek editorial a few years ago titled “The Future be Damned” is a piercing observation of Americans living for today and avoiding all thought of tomorrow.  This attitude is filtering into the fabric of the next generation.  The author concludes, “We won’t endure small hurts today to avoid larger hurts tomorrow, and we know it.  Self-deception has become a way of life.”  Is this America’s epitaph?

It’s hard to believe we are entering another voting season to elect the President of the United Stated.  The candidates are lining up to answer our questions as to why they are the right person for a tremendously difficult job.  You don’t need a PhD to realize our country is on the brink of collapse and we need strong leadership to guide our nation into a safe port.

The focus right now is on jobs.  God’s strategy to transform society includes the development of economic stability. In the book of Deuteronomy ( 28:12)  He told Israel if they obeyed Him, they would be a lender to other nations and never a borrower.  Since we serve a God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever we can claim that same promise for our great nation.

In my opinion, there are three “R’s” we should include in our cluttered minds to prepare for the upcoming selection process.

  • Repent:  “No matter how fervently we pray,” warns Chuck Colson, “the Lord will not grant renewal to a nation that does not honor Him.  First we must repent.”  Powerful words we must take seriously. Society needs to “turn around” and shift out focus back to God who gives us the gift of life and liberty.

  • Regroup:  Our instant push-button mentalities need an adjustment.  We should focus on the rebuilding of our nation.  The most valuable things in life-such as faith, honesty, moral character; things worthy to build our lives; things worthy to build or rebuild a nation-do not come instantly.  Change begins in our own lives, our families, wherever we are.

  • Refocus: Each voter should take responsibility and fully engage in the process.  Don’t just take someone else’s word on a candidate's character and platform.  Think for yourselves.  Proverbs 14:15 comes to mind when I think about accountability.  “The simple believe every word; but the prudent man looks well to his future.”

Personally, I believe we are in an hour of crisis, nationally and spiritually.
Each one us is writing the script of America’s future today.  Our words, actions, and decisions will make a difference for good or ill.  We all play a part and bear the consequences for the future.  History is rolling up like a scroll.  Don’t be deceived!   

Part of text borrowed from Charles Crismier and Dr. Tony Evens