Wednesday, July 20, 2022


Lately I have been having a hard time keeping my mind in one place. My cell phone has exploded with social media distractions. My desire to keep up with breaking news has jumped into overdrive. The family is running from one event to the next at the speed of light, while I allow my own commitments to fall by the wayside. My brain is in chaos making it almost impossible to sit at my computer and get any work done.

So how can someone so scattered write a blog about staying focused? Actually, I'm at the perfect place to share with you what my life coach (the Holy Spirit) has been teaching me about getting from point A to point B without a mental meltdown. For the past few months I have been deliberately working on being consistent and determined in order to reach my writing goals. Both of these powerhouse energies are impossible to achieve without developing active focus.

First and foremost I needed to prioritize. "In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success." Proverbs 3:6 (TLB) I began to shut down the internet in the morning choosing to have coffee while reading the Bible instead of scrutinizing my emails and the news. I walk away from my time with God feeling empowered and strengthened to meet the day, instead of feeling dizzy with media overload. The next issue I had to deal with was a biggie for me... procrastination. "Never be lazy in your work. Serve the Lord with enthusiasm." Romans 12:11 (TLB)   I needed to discipline my time instead of wasting it. Putting my cell phone away while I worked was not easy, but in the long run, a lot more productive. Truth be told, nothing earth shattering happened on Facebook or Instagram that I couldn't catch up on later.

Last, but most important... I am learning that it's never to late to focus on the goals God has planned for you. Once you start to follow His leading and gain your footing, put your spiritual muscle to work. Fuel your focus! Starve mental chaos! Focus, consistency, and determination will lead the way to success in every area of your life. Our Life Coach promised..."I  (the Lord) will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." Psalm 32:8 (NLT)