Saturday, January 3, 2015


Did you know that before one stroke of color is applied to a painting the canvas must be prepared and made ready for the process?  First - it must be stretched, pulled, hammered, and stapled to fit securely over a frame; a difficult process for the beginner and master alike.  Next, a sizing is applied as a sealant to protect and preserve the material to stand the test of time.  Last, a coat of ground is then spread over the surface to provide a uniform texture, color, and level of absorbency for the paints being used.  If any of these essential elements are skipped, or applied out of sequence, the finished product will crack, flake, and peel rendering a poor result.

This New Year each of us has the opportunity to begin again as a blank canvas in God's hands, ready to be made new.  

Maybe for you, last year stretched you to your breaking point, pounding your life with one problem after another, and you don't see much hope for your future.  If that describes you, your in the best place of your life!  Yes. God stretches us. "Consider yourself fortunate when all kinds of trouble and trials come your way, for when your faith succeeds in facing such trials, the result is the ability to endure."  God knows we can not grow and mature without developing perseverance to carry us through the many storms we all eventually face in life.  His plan is to make us perfect and complete, lacking nothing.  He strengthens us so we don't crumble and fall away in the process.

Think of Jesus as the sizing that protects you when fear and discouragement are beating down your door.  "Do not be afraid I am with you!  I am your God let nothing terrify you!"  Jesus promises to make us strong and to help us.  "I will protect you and save you."  We don't have to depend on ourselves or rely on what we think we know. When we invite Jesus into our everyday lives he shows us the right path and leads us into his best for our future.  The Holy Spirit is like the comfort, guidance and hope to face each challenge that comes into our lives.  "A disciple may have many problems, but the Lord saves him from them all."

 Like an artist, our Heavenly Father is preparing you as His masterpiece.  He does not want bad things to happen to you, but when they do, He uses the bad things to build greatness within you.  None of us can grow into the people we were meant to be if we only experience good times and success.  Our greatest struggles can be our greatest triumphs when we allow God to be God.  Trust his brush strokes.  Thank Him for the bad and the good.  His plan for your future is bigger and better then anything you can imagine, or any resolutions you make for the coming year.  Give God your paint brush and expect miracles.  Nothing is impossible for God.

Heavenly Father,
Let me be like a sheet of new canvas in your hands.  I  know you want the best for me. Whatever comes my way, I will trust You to make this year my best year yet.  Amen

Scripture Reading:
Psalms 34: 18-19
Proverbs 3: 4-6
Isaiah 41:10
1 Peter 5:7-10

 All scripture verses used from (GNT)