Tuesday, January 23, 2024


As a fantasy writer, I love stories about warriors brandishing swords to slay dragons while the Angel Armies of Heaven cheer the hero's on and demons writhe in fear at their coming doom. Back in the day when I first put my ideas to paper few people saw the spirit world of 'good verses evil' as a force to be reckoned with in our everyday comfortable lives. Unfortunately, over the decades we exchanged the truth of God's principles with the current cultures condemned view of reality. 

Today, its easy to see our crumbling society through spiritual eyes. The veil has lifted and dragons, demons, and angels are living among us (figuratively speaking). Christians must lead the charge against the onslaught of darkness with the only weapons worthy of fighting a holy war.

Why do we need weapons and who are we fighting? We have an enemy, Satan, who comes to kill, steal and destroy our lives. Like it or not spiritual warfare is a reality for everyone, and you are a target.

" For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood..."(Ephesians 6:12-13)  As warriors in 2024 our weapons are not physical. Our weapons are spiritual and powerful for fighting lies and misinformation. The current culture has turned everything upside down. They preach good as evil and evil as good. Many people are confused, fearful and angry because they don't know what to believe. In these last days our rule of thumb must be...If its not in the Bible...don't believe it. Fight lies with the word of God. His truth is our spiritual sword to be used to correct, encourage and rebuke those who are stumbling through the growing darkness. (2 Timothy 4:2) If we don't speak up now, and tell them the truth, who will?

So...how do we engage the enemy? Read your Bible, our basic training manual. Don't just read it, do what it says. Memorize verses, and surround yourself with like minded people. When we hear bad news and feel powerless against the darkness surrounding our future... don't fear. God tells us our words have power. We need to speak life and hope, to ourselves and others, especially when it looks like victory is out of reach. It's in the darkest hour our light of truth will shine the brightest. Be a warrior. Rise to the occasion. "We are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us." (Romans 8:37)  



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