As we move forward into our unknown future many of us are afraid, some of us are confused, a lot of us feel hopeless and the rest of us are just plain angry. There are few people I talk to that have a positive outlook on their lives as we brace ourselves for whatever lies ahead. Most of our despair and mental torment over the events unfolding all around us comes because information is thrown at us at the speed of light. The professionals tell us if we want to receive a more balanced view of reality, choose multiple, opposing sources of information. The problem with this is all media outlets have to make a profit so they sell what the culture wants to hear. In other words, whether it comes to us from a right wing or left wing source much of it is sprinkled with lies, hoaxes. misinformation, rumors, disinformation and regardless of fact checking the tainted truth keeps circulating.We try to digest these messages by filtering it through our friends, family and co-workers for their take on current events just to be overwhelmed by so many different opinions. Instead of understanding the world we live in we begin to suffer from "Information Anxiety" where we can't discern truth from lies.
So...what can discerning people do to feed their brains a well balance diet of truth as we navigate these choppy waters of Info Wars in 24? First and foremost, if you want to remain calm, don't leave your Christian convictions behind to embrace the trends of the culture. If your friends decided to jump off a cliff I'm pretty sure you wouldn't follow them. Right? In my opinion, there is still only one source of absolute truth. Yes, I know, collage has embedded in our minds there is no such thing; it's your own truth so believe what makes you happy. I beg to differ. The Bible IS our only guide in these foggy days ahead. If you can't match the truth in the Bible with what the journalists or Podcasters are saying, change your stand. Don't keep following the wrong information. God says "Thou shalt not kill." End of Story. God says, "Thou shalt not lie, cheat, steal, covet, hate etc. If He said it, its true. The reason we are confused, afraid, hopeless and angry is because we choose to believe worldly lies and not back up our beliefs with the Bible.
God wants us to let go of anxiety and live with a sense of inner peace. However, there is a condition. We have to wholeheartedly follow where he leads. "Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen to God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go. He's the one who will keep you on track. Don't assume you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil. Your body will glow with health, your very bones will vibrate with life." (Proverbs 3:5-6 MSG)
As the year unfolds we need to cut loose all deceit. The enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy our lives. Jesus came that we might have an abundant life. Choose faith and truth over fear and lies in 2024.
Source...The Information Age
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