Sunday, May 12, 2024


I have realized over the years that one of the worst things we can do to ourselves is compare ourselves with others. Always thinking we are not as good as someone else will eventually pull us into full blown defeat. At first, unhealthy comparisons might seem like an innocent obsession. We enjoy imagining what it would be like to have their car, their house, their family, their life. However, comparison has a friend named discontentment and a cousin called ungrateful who will quickly move into your head space to steal your joy and in it's place will leave you feeling depressed and believing you are not enough. 

If you have ever found yourself thinking you just don't measure up let me share with you some really great news from our life coach...the Holy Spirit.

 "For we are God's masterpiece, he has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10

Not only does God tell us we are each his special masterpiece but he has good things planned for each one of us. His plan is unique for you...just you. That means when we trust what his word says even the bad things that happen in our lives he can turn around and help us use them for good. God doesn't play favorites (Romans 2:1)  I realize some set backs are totally traumatic, like a bad diagnosis or the loss of someone you love but God can turn the worst situation into your biggest blessing if you will trust him.

Give God your paintbrush. He is preparing you for a 'one of a kind' life of purpose.

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