Self-control has become a flashy concept. This hyphenated English word has turned heads and grabbed headlines since the 1960's. People spend millions of dollars every year on the latest Self Help program trying to harness this elusive virtue. Controlling our desires has proven to be the epitome of "easier said than done."
Let's face it...the reason we keep coming back for more every year is because there is a lot more riding on this than saying "NO" to another Oreo!
The good news for believers is we have our own super power living within us- the Holy Spirit- to help with our personal transformations. Think of self-control as the glue that holds the other virtues together. We can't love properly without it. We will never experience real joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and gentleness without developing self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23)
This fruit, as it's called in the Bible, is the result of the Holy Spirit's presence in our lives. As we live our lives in Christ we grow a little bit at a time. With God's help we don't have to struggle to measure up to some impossible standard. Change will come as we continue to draw close to Him.
Jesus is our example and he also grew and developed as he worshiped God. We can't change by believing in the 'gospel of self-help'. Instead, we are guaranteed to be Transformed by the renewing of our minds."So don't be conformed to this world; instead be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so you can prove what is good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God." (Romans 12:2)