Think of your brain as a garden and your thoughts as seed planted in fresh loamy soil. The ideas we nurture will take root, grow, and mature. The way we talk to ourselves and view our world will produce good fruit or poison.
A study conducted by a Japanese scientist, Dr. Emote, consisted of exposing regular tap water to either positive or negative words. After speaking words of affirmation or hate over individual beakers of water, Dr. Emote proceeded to freeze the specimens. Afterwards, he examined each of them under a high power microscope. He discovered that the water exposed to uplifting words became beautiful crystals. Those bombarded with hateful and critical comments formed chaotic patterns.
This might not really matter unless you consider the human body is comprised of 60% water. Our brain alone is 70% water and out of its reservoir will flow thoughts and actions that encourage or condemn our own lives and the lives of those we are close to.
So the question is... what have you been watering your mind with lately?
Jesus told us about our words before there were scientists with high powered microscopes and doctors who study the effect our thoughts have in the physical realm.
" The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." Proverbs 18:21 Thoughts bear fruit. What we think about in the privacy of our mental universe will sooner or later be revealed in our lifestyle and relationships. God gave us the brain power to create a life of peace and love or negativity and regret. Remember; thoughts are seeds that become our personal reality and no one else can do our thinking for us.
I'm not Miss Congeniality, all happy and perky by nature. I have to work hard to stay positive when life hands me a lemon. I have a lot on my plate and plenty of disappointments...BUT.....I am working on giving my mental garden a daily blast of brain freeze.
"The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the words of the wise bring healing." Proverbs 12:18
"Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24
Analogy of a garden in part by Eli Harani