Wednesday, November 25, 2020


 Have you ever taken a walk in the snow when the flurries first start falling? Everything is so quiet and serene, like you have entered another universe. If you take the time to listen, snow has its own distinct melody... like the whisper of God. 

 With the election behind us it might take some deliberate mental resets to take our thoughts from despair to hope this holiday season. Sometimes, all we need is to add is a little supernatural to our natural to keep our lives in perspective. are "a few of my favorite things" to encourage you to look at your life through heavens eyes.

God said "I will," 

Strengthen you when you are weak, help you when you can't go on, uphold you when you fall, protect you from your fears, bless you and give you peace, prosper you and give you success, forgive you and wipe the slate clean each day, heal you mentally and physically, and set you free.  He promises us in His word that no obstacle in life can keep us from His love. 

This is how much God  loved the world: He gave his Son, so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. (MSG John 3: 16) 




Wednesday, September 23, 2020


When you tune into the news and listen to the talking heads you might feel intimidated by what the left is force- feeding the American people. This new regime want's to defund the police, criminalize law abiding citizens, and tell conservative voters how to think while they censor what we say if it does not fit their Marxist narrative. 

As patriots we cannot allow this tyranny to continue. Our great nation is at a turning point and if we expect to continue to live in the greatest country on earth we must protect our faith, liberty, and freedoms.

I believe, by the mercy of God, we have been given one last chance to stand before the mob and hold our ground. The media wants us to cave to 'crisis fatigue' by beating us down with their lies. The fake news tries to incite fear, discouragement, and despair in the hope of distracting us from the truth of the Democrats agenda to change the structure of our country into their socialist utopia. Don't fall for it.

We only have a few weeks before the most important presidential election in our lifetime. The false prophets will try anything to sway the vote and will continue to rattle their swords in our faces. Yes, the battlefield looks like we are outnumbered but we serve the God our country was founded on. Instead of dropping our weapons and hiding from the chaos, we should be laying this crisis before the throne of  God in prayer. He hears and delivers his people. [Psalm 145; 19 ESV]

Just like in the days of Isaiah when the greatest army in the world sent their messengers to blaspheme God and his people with threats of defeat and destruction we are not to listen. King Hezekiah knew his nation was on the brink of collapse so he sought God for help. His prayer mattered. His faith mattered. Your prayers and faith matter. Hezekiah dared to believe the impossible, refusing to surrender to fear and unbelief. Because of his faith the unstoppable coup ended and the undefeated army was destroyed. (Isaiah 37)

We are the silent majority. We are the red wave rising. We are growing stronger by the day. Don't sit back and think your prayers and your vote won't matter, we need YOU. Against all odds, against every expectation American Patriots will rise from the voting booth victorious.  

And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."

And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave


Vote Republican November 3, 2020




Wednesday, August 26, 2020


Many of us are outraged by the circumstances our nation has fallen into this year. Conservative voices have been marginalized and we are  bullied by the left in an attempt to frighten us into quiet submission.

But like a roaring lion the silent majority has come out of hiding making our voices a force to be reckoned with.  Every day American patriots are pushing back against the left wing political mob. We are taking back ground we lost to politicians who want to change our country into a counterfeit nation.

I am excited to see many 'woke' voters joining the march of truth, liberty, and freedom. But as great as our new bravado looks, we could be blindsided by those who want to keep their power and socialist agenda and will stop at nothing to get what they want.

We should expect the battle to intensify. The battlefield looks bad right now, but if  we stay the course the tide can shift at any point. This is not the hour to drop our guard. Instead, we must stay vigilant in prayer because it is our best defense for pulling down strongholds (ideas that do not line up with God's word). We can and will rise above these circumstances if we stay focused on what is vital and of real value.  God. Family. Country.  

Now is our time...STAND UP AND ROAR!

If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land.  2 Chronicles 7:14

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Sitting among the rubble of COVID and in the midst of the rioting and dismantling of the police force, many of us are trying to sort out our feelings. With the fallout of the past few months it's no wonder we feel confused and discouraged. Some people are saying "History Repeats Itself" or "Don't Make The Same Mistake Twice" or better yet... "We Are All In This Together."

All of these quotes are true but as Christians we can't stop the conversation there. We are watching our country crash and burn right before our eyes and some of us are afraid to say anything for fear of upsetting someone. This is our moment Church... to Rise Up, Suit Up and get Prayed Up! If we shut up now the fate of those who are perishing is on our hands. Let it never be said of us we paid no attention.

Our world is changing at the speed of light and we hold the candle to light up their darkness. Don't let the salt of the Gospel lose its flavor because of compromise or fear. Speak up! Boldness matters. We are the light of the world and carry a message that has power to transform lives. Be salt and light wherever God has placed you. (Matthew 5: 13-14)

"The night is far gone, the day is at hand. So let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light." (Romans 13:12)

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Our minds are our own private universe... so we think. We dream, imagine, study, and process information constantly and silently.  We can try to hide our emotions but what we feed our brain never stays hidden. Our words and actions will always betray our thoughts. 

Think of your brain as a garden and your thoughts as seed planted in fresh loamy soil. The ideas we nurture will take root, grow, and mature. The way we talk to ourselves and view our world will produce good fruit or poison.

A study conducted by a Japanese scientist, Dr. Emote, consisted of exposing regular tap water to either positive or negative words. After speaking words of affirmation or hate over individual beakers of water, Dr. Emote proceeded to freeze the specimens. Afterwards, he examined each of them under a high power microscope.  He discovered that the water exposed to uplifting words became beautiful crystals. Those bombarded with hateful and critical comments formed chaotic patterns.

This might not really matter unless you consider the human body is comprised of 60% water. Our brain alone is 70% water and out of its reservoir will flow thoughts and actions that encourage or condemn our own lives and the lives of those we are close to.

So the question is... what have you been watering your mind with lately?

Jesus told us about our words before there were scientists with high powered microscopes and doctors who study the effect our thoughts have in the physical realm. 
 " The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." Proverbs 18:21 Thoughts bear fruit. What we think about in the privacy of our mental universe will sooner or later be revealed in our lifestyle and relationships. God gave us the brain power to create a life of peace and love or negativity and regret. Remember; thoughts are seeds that become our personal reality and no one else can do our thinking for us.

I'm not Miss Congeniality, all happy and perky by nature.  I have to work hard to stay positive when life hands me a lemon.  I have a lot on my plate and plenty of disappointments...BUT.....I am working on giving my mental garden a daily blast of brain freeze.

"The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the words of the wise bring healing." Proverbs 12:18
"Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24

Analogy of a garden in part by Eli Harani

Friday, May 1, 2020


For many Americans there is nothing more contrary to our dispositions than having to put our lives on hold!
 I admit, I don't like changing my routine anymore than the next guy but to tell the truth I am learning some very important life lessons as I reflect on that nasty four letter word... WAIT.

"Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength." Isaiah 40:31

I realized waiting is something God does to help me reach my potential. He is giving me time to regroup and build momentum for what lies ahead. I am learning to trust that His timing is superior to anything I could imagine for myself. With that misunderstanding resolved,  a tremendous amount of peace and awareness lifted me above my anxiety. Waiting is all about expecting to see God work on my behalf.

The second lesson I learned is God's strength is not the martial arts kind of mental determination I imagined. It's not me toughing something out until my prayer is answered. Instead, strength is a state of mind. It is in quiet, confidence that we place our lives, our families, our hopes, and dreams in the hands of our Heavenly Father knowing they are safe.
"In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength." Isaiah 30:15

Thirdly, and most impotently, when our lives are up and running after this quarantine is over we will be refreshed, refueled, and ready for whatever new journey the Lord has planned for us.

Thursday, April 9, 2020


Did you know when we look at a storm at sea all the waves and turbulence are on the top of the water? When you go down deeper, below the surface, the ocean is calm, almost at rest. On the surface, our world is being battered by the biggest waves we have witnessed in our lifetime. We might be tempted to ask where is God in this pandemic?

 God says, "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10)  Be still in this verse is written in the context of trouble and war. Be still is not God's way of blowing us off, or just a kind suggestion. God is not asking us to go sit quietly in the corner. He is commanding us to rebuke this storm through the eyes of faith. When we are in the eye of the storm and we think we are going under, it's no time for weak knees. God forcefully says, "know that I am God." 

God is not suggesting we deny our fear, or pretend we have our emotions under control. On the contrary, He is saying be fearless. Dare to go beyond the waves of fear and anxiety into the deep, where the water is calm within your soul.  Fall on your knees and pray. When you get up, walk by faith not by sight. "God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in times of trouble". (Psalm 46:1)  Let faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, be your anchor.

There is life after this storm and when the wind and waves die down we can expect a sunrise worth waiting for.

If you are struggling with worry in this crisis please reach out for prayer. PRAYER LINE # 888-388-2683
Music to calm the soul

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


The ancient ritual of fire walking  symbolizes the courage we have inside ourselves to face life's challenges head-on. After all, if you can make it through the fire you can make it through anything life throws at you.

There is no way to sugarcoat the COVID-19 pandemic that is raging around the world like an invisible firestorm. The truth is we don't know what the future holds, but God is bigger than the coronavirus and has already made a way through the flames.

"When you WALK through the fire you will not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you." (Isaiah 43:2b)

When the Bible talks about fire it is referring to personal hardship. This verse gives us a clear picture of how we should react to trials when they confront us. Walking is a sign of confidence, not in ourselves but in the One who created the universe and is in control of every breath we take. Prayer and reading the Bible will fill our minds with the assurance that God has our back. This virus has many of us consumed with fear. The truth of the matter is adversity in its many fierce and fiery forms is inevitable. God did not say if we face the fire He said WHEN we face the fire we are to stay calm. "Unleashing the Power Within" is all about trust. God promises to strengthen us, help us, and uphold us with his own hand. Let go of fear and dread and take God at his word. Believe He is walking alongside of us in this pandemic and will be with us in all the fiery trials we will face now and in the future.

"Don't panic. I'm with you. There's  no need to fear for I'm your God. I'll give you strength. I'll help you. I'll hold you steady, and keep a firm grip on you." (Isaiah 41:10 MSG)

Link to scripture verses to pray over our families, neighbors, leaders and nations

Sunday, March 8, 2020


Most people like to read a juicy love story once in awhile.  We cuddle up in our favorite chair, tune out the world, and expect all the elements of a great plot; passion, intrigue, betrayal, murder. Let me tell you... the book entitled Hosea in the Bible does not disappoint. Within the first few sentences God speaks a very hard word to this budding young prophet. "Go, take to yourself a wife of harlotry and have children of harlotry, for the land commits great whoredom by departing from the Lord."
                     And the plot thickens. 
This squeaky clean messenger of God obeys the command and marries a beautiful woman named Gomer who sells herself to men for pleasure and profit.  The young preacher falls in love with her, cares for her,  protects her, and even raises her illegitimate children but they don't live happily ever after.  The wayward wife continues her life as a prostitute ignoring the love of her husband and his God. In a fit of rage, the prophet eventually throws her out.  Unlike today's best sellers that promote anger and revenge God had a different plan for this heartbroken family. He instructs Hosea to forgive Gomer and take her back. Not just one time, but over and over again. God wanted to demonstrate His message of repentance, love, and forgiveness to the unfaithful people of Israel through the living testimony of one faithful man.

Many times the people we are closest to hurt us the most. The sting of a parent's abandonment, the rejection of a spouse, the broken promise of a friend, the disappointment of a drug addicted child, the abuse..... Forgiving someone who wronged us is probably the hardest thing God asks us to do. Luckily, Jesus left us with a formula to help us navigate the process.  "But to you who are listening I say: LOVE your enemies, DO GOOD to those who hate you, BLESS THOSE who curse you, PRAY for those who mistreat you."  He goes on to say, "forgive others, just as your Father forgives you."

 Hosea was not a sinless man, he was an obedient man. God still uses willing men and women to showcase His mercy to an unrepentant world. Our Savior has not changed.  His desire is to pour His love into empty, broken lives through us. God forgives each of us freely then gives us the key for our emotional health: forgive others.  When we decide to live out the process we become a prophetic message to our family, friends, and co-workers.  Like Hosea, if we really listen to God, his desire is not always to take us out of messy relationships but instead our call is to live lives of love, faithfulness, and forgiveness.

Let God make your life a living testimony

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


 Fear is a very real enemy and comes at us in many forms and sizes. This monster makes us his prisoner locked behind bars of "what-ifs".
What- if my test results are bad, my book doesn't sell, my speech is boring, I make a fool of myself, I lose my job. All these negative scenarios slaughter our dreams and cripple our growth. This dragon is no respecter of gender, race or creed and attacks us causing physical illness, emotional turmoil and spiritual decay. These scrimmages infect our minds with feelings of inadequacy, failure and insecurity rendering many of us victims locked within prison cells of our own design.

Statistics say Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) runs the gamut from fleeting feelings of shyness to a mental illness that can disrupt the regular flow of life. Fear is a formidable opponent and speaking from personal experience this Nasty Beast needs to be cast down as soon as it attacks our mind.

So how do we slay this monster? Our Basic Training Manuel, the Bible, weighs in on this very serious topic."Fear not," is written 365 times in the Bible. For those of us who struggle in this area God wanted us to remember..."God did not gives us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7 This verse was written by the apostle Paul to encourage Timothy, a young leader in the church of Ephesus, to get his game face on. Like many of us, he struggled with feelings of timidity, insecurity and outright fear. Like you and me it was paramount to his life and ministry to learn to rise above his feelings.
  • First of all fear is a spirit, a powerful force that is not from God. That's good news! We have authority over fear but we need to take a leap of faith and move the intimidating 'what-if's' out of our heads. Whatever we are afraid of we need to FACE IT AFRAID, trusting the promise of Deuteronomy 31:6  "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified of them, for the Lord your God goes with you ; he will never leave you or forsake you."
  • Second... God gave us His power and strength so we are not walking into the scary situation alone. The Creator of the universe supports us. We can trust him to help us be courageous in the situation that has the power to make us feel unglued. Instead of letting negative self talk infiltrate our thoughts deliberately see the occasion as an unexpected blessing, an opportunity to grow and become the champion God intends for you to be. When fear has nothing to feed on it disappears.
  • Third... replace fear with faith by keeping some scriptures verses on the tip of your tongue to use when this dragon rears its ugly head and tries to fill our minds with lies. Memory verses are powerful weapons we should use against the onslaught of this enemy.
When we decide to fight back we will need to cultivate an attitude of boldness. Without this powerhouse incentive fear will continuously try to keep us from the abundant life God has given us. God gave us sound minds, brave hearts and a powerful testimony and fear will try to take it from us. Fight back. You have what it takes and you are not alone. People who learn to conquer fear will always accomplish more than those who succumb to it.


Video Joyce Myers Ministries
Statistics provided by National Social Anxiety Center
Larry Cohen

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


The second month of the year has a way of bewitching us with its promise of romance. But all the excitement of this season is short lived depending on your relationship status. There are only two ways to play February's "Love Song."

 If Cupid was kind you will celebrate Valentines Day with roses, champagne, and chocolates. But if the arrow of love missed its mark you will be hiding out in your room eating a quart of Ben and Jerry's ice-cream depressed and alone.
I have been on both sides of this melody.

In reality there is only one love that really lasts...the love our Heavenly Father has for us. His love is unconditional. Our good or bad performance has nothing to do with it. He doesn't take his love away because we have made some bad choices. He doesn't stop caring about us because we have bad habits that we can't (or won't) give up. He loves us even though we don't deserve it.

Many of us have a very rigid view of God and tend to think he is angry with us most of the time. As hard as it is to imagine God actually sings over us. He rejoices over us! Faulty and messed up as we are the Lord faithfully loves us, forgives us, encourages us, and patiently leads us into a life of freedom and peace 365 days of the year.

The Lord your God is in your midst,
the Mighty One will save;
He will rejoice over you with gladness,
He will quiet you with his love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17 (NKJV)

Saturday, January 4, 2020


January is the official month of fresh starts. Across the world we frantically try to gather up all the loose ends we left dangling and unaccomplished from last year and stuff them into our to-do list for this year. Like hamsters on a wheel we keep running in circles  getting the same disappointing results.

Romans 12: 1-2 was written to encourage us to make little tweaks in our spiritual growth and gain lifelong satisfaction. After all, transformation is at the heart of our New Year's resolutions...right?

"Take your everyday, ordinary life-and place it before God as an offering." Romans 12:1 MSG

The best thing we can do is intentionally place our lives before God. Ask him to direct us daily and show us how to live a life of victory. Spend time with him in prayer, look for answers to life's issues in the bible and trust him with the outcome. When we shift our attention to what God wants, he changes us from the inside out. Our thoughts and desires mature and we learn to understand what he wants us to accomplish in the future.

Get off the wheel of good intentions and seek something better. God's resolution is to make our ordinary lives extraordinary in 2020 and beyond.  "For I know the plans I have for you." Declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11