Summer is on the horizon and I have been exercising and dieting for months. Let’s face it. If you are breathing and over thirty, you’re working out. I got on the scale expecting to see unbelievable progress. After all, I had cut back calories, upped my cardio, and changed my routine. I even secretly tried Zumba!
I had been waiting, patiently, for the little needle to drop for days. Just a pound would have made my day. The dang thing would not budge. Instead of keeping my emotions in check, I flipped out and ate everything in sight. I knew I was in trouble when I realized I was eating Doritos with whipped cream.
The husband has really bad timing. Just as I was forcing the hundredth salty, sweet temptation into my mouth, he walked into the kitchen. “Honey, what’s wrong? You’re going to ruin all you’re hard work.”
I felt my lips curl into a snarl. I felt rabid! I faced him with beady red eyes. “Get Out!” I growled. Fortunately, he’s smart. He turned and left the scene in a flash. That instant brought me back to my senses. I put the tasty (yuck) delicacies away and waited for my emotional motor to slow down.
Once I regained control, I realized I needed a tune up. For a few weeks, my internal trouble light was flashing, “Check engine!” I ignored it. Although my performance was low, and it took a lot more effort for me to get things done, I deliberately shunned the warning. It’s funny how the little things can bring our lives to a screeching stop.
I was doing all the right things. My prayer time was on track. My personal life was great. The family was intact. I should have been getting enough fuel and fluids to make my engine purr. The funny thing was I felt clueless as to why my think tank was not running smoothly. I had to take myself to the “Master Mechanic” and wait for the answer to my problem.
Sometimes, I need something close to shock therapy to hear the truth. My eating tantrum represented one more thing I had to wait to see change. The truth was I had lots of unanswered prayer floating around and nothing was happening. I let my mind get so caught up in what I wanted, when I wanted it, and how I wanted it, I lost focus on why I wanted it.
The why part of dieting and exercise was obvious, too much junk in the trunk! My lack of speed had a lot to do with trying to accelerate on a road loaded with stop signs. No matter what I tried, the only lane open was slow and steady. It was like The Fast and the Furious meets Herbie.
When I let God use His instrument of truth to check my internal code, I saw the problem. I had been trying in subtle ways to manipulate God to speed things up. His clock does not operate on FIOS. Inside, I was impatient, frustrated, angry, and fearful. I bought into the lie that the results I want to experience in life should be instant and easy. I was stripping my gears and getting nowhere.
Jesus spent thirty years waiting to begin a three-year ministry. We don’t know much about that time except that during the waiting process… “He increased in strength, wisdom, and favor with God and man.” (Luke 2:52)
We need to idle our engines when the answers we seek are a long time coming. Waiting is really a time of transition. God tells us to be patient because something important is at stake. He knows our beginning and our end. We need to trust His timing and seek His will in each situation we face in life.
How many parents are still waiting after years of prayer to see their lost child return to Christ? You need to know you are not alone. Many faithful prayer warriors are waiting for jobs, or reconciliation in a broken relationship. He is there to help you through. Some of God’s faithful are waiting for healing. Jesus will dry your eyes and calm the storm. Are you lost and confused? He will light the way. We are all waiting for something. He is standing with us!
Let’s trust God and learn from Jesus to wait faithfully, obediently and patiently. God promises.. “As I wait for the Lord I will renew my strength and power; I shall mount up on wings like an eagle; I shall run and not be weary, I shall walk and not faint or become tired. –Isaiah 40:31
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