Wednesday, August 14, 2024


"When the godly are in authority the people rejoice, but when the wicked gain power they suffer." {Proverbs 29:2)

We tend to look at the outward appearance of our politicians and judge them according to popular opinion instead of taking a step back and weighing our impression by a higher standard. Leadership should be about the platform and qualifications of the person we decide to put in charge of our families, bank accounts, safety and freedoms.When choosing our presidential candidate in the upcoming election, our vote has the power to alter the course of our great nation for generations to come.

We can't afford to put our signatures behind a weak leader who changes their position at the first sign of opposition or worse just to garner a vote. We need to put our weight behind a strong person with moral convictions that mirror our own, not some flimflam who's platform is constantly changing and tossed about by the wind.

Leadership and strength of character go hand and hand and are mentioned 360 times in the Bible. Why is the word of God important when we are talking about following the right leader for our future? 

We have witnessed throughout the past four years how quickly our nation has fallen into spiritual darkness. Without God leading the charge, we are doomed to have chaos and evil of every kind within each branch of government, in the deep state and the special interest groups. When I say vote your conscience I am not using some religious cliche. If  our leadership's ideals don't line up with the Word of God in the Bible we will reap a society that is following the wide road to perdition. 

My friends...we are the country's last line of defense against Communism or Freedom. Choose your leader wisely.