Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Google has changed the way we devour and process information.  With a few clicks of the keyboard we can scour the internet to our hearts content looking for everything under the sun. 

Sometimes our searches are a lot more important and there is more at stake, especially when we are looking for spiritual guidance and direction. Some research engines say there are 4,000 recognized faith's in the world. In that colossal number of religions there are five that are most widely known. So how do we sift through the opinion versus fact of finding and following the one true God.

At this time, Christianity is still leading the pack in theory, but 65% of people who claim to know God, believe Jesus is NOT the only way to eternal life. Unless we begin to think of the Bible...not the internet... as our life compass we become like ships without the correct coordinates to guide us through the storms of life. If you find you are lost and in doubt of the truth, search the Word of God for answers. The gospel of John 14:6 covers all loose ends. Jesus said, "I AM the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me." For me, that's the end of the story, but to really bring this passage home we read in the book of Acts, "There is no salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which you can be saved."( Acts 4:12)  Jesus is the only name!  He died on the cross and rose from the dead and took our sins and guilt upon himself.  Why? Because God loves us and wants us to repent, follow Jesus, and live with him eternally in heaven. "Like sheep we have all gone astray, each one of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquities of us all." Isaiah 3:6

We can google whatever we want, and believe what we choose, but there is only one book to base our eternal life upon. The Bible is our road map leading us on our way home.