Wednesday, November 29, 2023


In spite of the 1927 idiom "The best things in life are free", consumers of this generation choose to ignore the wisdom of the phrase and instead we've adopted the adage "Shop till you drop."

According to Nerdwallet, 56% of Christmas shoppers will not be able to afford as many gifts as they want to buy this year due to inflation. In spite of the rising cost of daily necessities, 74% of shoppers will max out their credit cards and tap into their savings in order to cover the overages thinking all the gifts under the tree will make their holiday merry and bright. 

I'm not trying to sound like a Grinch...I find myself in the same boat...or sleigh so to speak. Sometimes I think my heart is two sizes too small when I get overwhelmed by the expense of the holiday and ignore what the season is really all about.

In all the frenzy of making Christmas the best we can, maybe we've lost sight of the greatest gift we could give our in the One who came as a baby in a manger to redeem us for eternity. God tells us to come to him just as we are. Angry. Disillusioned. Lonely. Broke. Broken. Hurting. Dirty. Confused. God loves us before we ever start loving him."For God so loved the world.." He wants us to know Jesus is his gift of salvation to us... "he gave his only son."  All we need to do is reach out to God and accept his gift. No cost. A free gift.  "Whoever believes in him will not perish but will have everlasting life." (John 3:16-17)

The Grinch finally realized all the packages, ribbons, boxes and bags couldn't buy happiness, and that the spirit of Christmas comes every year with or without all the stuff. The real heart of the season is Jesus Christ...God's free gift to humanity.  Like the Grinch so wisely said, "Maybe Christmas doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more."


Wednesday, November 1, 2023


People from every walk of life are speculating the possibility of World War III and the End Times. If you have ever wondered about the prophetic words in the Bible and were skeptical about its authenticity now would be a good time to check it out for yourself. In the book of Matthew (24:37), written more than 2000 years ago, Jesus told his disciples about future events concerning the end times. He begins by telling us that certain people will claim to be the world's savior (Messiah) in order to deceive as many people as possible. He goes on to say "there will be wars and rumors of war but not to be concerned, such things must happen before the end comes."  He tells us these signs are the beginning birth pangs.

If you know anything about giving birth, you understand that a woman can be in labor for hours, sometimes days, or the baby can come so quickly she doesn't have time to make it to the hospital in time. Jesus doesn't tell us exactly when he will return to the earth only that he will return. Although the timing is vague he leaves us with clues to look out for because he wants us to be ready...not caught off guard. There will be no time once the trumpet sounds.

In another scripture passage Jesus tells us what humanity will be like before that great and terrible day comes upon the world. Believers will experience persecution and death. People will be selfish and love themselves more than they care about the truth of God's word. Our children will be boastful, proud, abusive, haters and disobedient to authority. Ideologies will go from bad to worse as each generation drifts further away from God and his teachings. Before the end comes, people will be unholy, calling good evil and evil good. Sexual sin will abound. People will be lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. (Paraphrased) 2 Timothy 3: 1-4

There are many other scripture verses in the Bible that warn us that darkness has come upon the earth like in the days of Noah. Before the flood people were violent, corrupt, and sexually depraved. Sound familiar? Noah is described as a preacher of righteousness. Like today preachers abound, but few care to listen. In spite of God's warnings, the people of Noah's day refused to see the signs of destruction.(Genesis 6). Look these things up in the Bible yourself. Don't wait to get right with God. Repent now and turn away from the sin that holds you bound. "If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe with your heart God raised him from the dead you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)