Did you know that listening to 30 minutes of negativity and criticism will damage neurons in your brain causing physical and emotional problems that can last a lifetime. Some scientists believe we need to experience at least three positive reinforcements to counteract one negative remark.
So who said, "words will never hurt me?"
As a "recovering" pessimist, I can attest to the fact that a negative attitude sets off a tsunami of complaining, criticizing, discontentment and a sense of worthlessness. We can't keep believing the worst about ourselves and others, and expect to get the best. The bible says,"as a man thinks in his heart, so he is." In other words, we will eventually become the person we think we are.
Many of us came from homes where criticism was the norm, and not necessarily intentional. We may find ourselves carrying on the tradition by bringing harsh, cruel, and hateful words into our relationships and the workplace. People who dish it out are just as susceptible to the trauma of their cutting remarks as their recipients.
In a nut-shell, bad emotions, bad parents, and bad feedback deliver enough emotional clout to render the toughest of us a lifetime of problems unless we believe we have the power to reverse the damage caused by self defeating thoughts.
The good news......it is a proven fact that we can change our thoughts, and our lives, with some intentional positive energy.
Sitting at the top of the recovery list is forgiveness. In order to be positive we need to be free from bitterness. Stanford University conducted a "Forgiveness Project," where they trained 260 adults in the power of forgiveness in a 6-week course. (I love it when science agrees with God.)
- 70% of the people reported a decrease in their feelings of hurt, abandonment, and despair.
- 13% experienced a decrease in anger
- 27% expressed fewer physical complaints (for example; pain, gastrointestinal upset, dizziness etc.) Forgiving those who hurt you (with words and actions) has also been linked to better immune function and a longer lifespan.
Right thinking begins with the words we tell ourselves. Quit thinking about what's wrong with you and start believing God does not make junk. Be positive on purpose. Don't feed the inner voice that keeps you trapped in insecurity! Starve the little demons and watch what happens. Like a pebble thrown into still water, positive reinforcement, over time, will cause a ripple effect that spills over into all areas of your life.