I often wonder why, when we think about making changes in ourselves or our lifestyles, we assume it's going to be an easy process. Maybe that's because we depict transformation with images of delicate butterflies flitting effortlessly from one flower to another.
As a Christian, I believe transformation begins with the gospel message of Christ and the renewing, or changing, of our mindset. I can attest to the fact "easier said than done," is a motto I'm personally familiar with. My human nature want's to hold onto desires that make me feel comfortable with the status quo and sometimes I resist the spiritual pull to change into the image of Christ. Let's be honest if "Love your enemy and do good to those who hurt you " were easy we wouldn't have so much division in the world.
So, how do we make changes that last?
The first thing we have to settle in our minds is commitment to God's process. "Above all else, guard your heart (thoughts), for everything you do flows from it." (Proverbs 4:23) Psychologists have proven, what God's word told us all along . .." as you think, so you become." (Proverbs 23:7) Your thoughts will lead to good or bad attitudes; attitudes lead to actions; actions lead to failure or success. What we believe about ourselves, consciously and subconsciously, eventually becomes our reality. In order to change and grow into the person God designed us to be we must use positivity to our advantage. Guarding our heart (thoughts), is choosing faith over negativity, in all areas of our lives.
Along with commitment, lasting change involves self-discipline. Fortunately, God promises to give us His strength when we ask for it. He doesn't expect us to make this transformation on our own. "Fear not for I am with you, do not be discouraged for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my own hand." (Isaiah 41:10) Everything in life that gives us a sense of accomplishment is hard. No one ever said our lives would be easy. Christianity is no spectator sport. Change takes courage and self discipline when you do what is right and others are doing wrong. It takes courage and self discipline to put God first in every area of your life. It takes courage and self discipline to reach out and love the unlovable. It takes courage and self discipline to forgive. It takes courage and self discipline to give up bad habits in order to change into the person God created you to be.
Like the analogy of the caterpillar's metamorphosis into the majestic monarch butterfly...transformation, into the image of Christ, is a difficult process but the rewards and benefits are worth more than silver or gold.