Wednesday, November 29, 2023


In spite of the 1927 idiom "The best things in life are free", consumers of this generation choose to ignore the wisdom of the phrase and instead we've adopted the adage "Shop till you drop."

According to Nerdwallet, 56% of Christmas shoppers will not be able to afford as many gifts as they want to buy this year due to inflation. In spite of the rising cost of daily necessities, 74% of shoppers will max out their credit cards and tap into their savings in order to cover the overages thinking all the gifts under the tree will make their holiday merry and bright. 

I'm not trying to sound like a Grinch...I find myself in the same boat...or sleigh so to speak. Sometimes I think my heart is two sizes too small when I get overwhelmed by the expense of the holiday and ignore what the season is really all about.

In all the frenzy of making Christmas the best we can, maybe we've lost sight of the greatest gift we could give our in the One who came as a baby in a manger to redeem us for eternity. God tells us to come to him just as we are. Angry. Disillusioned. Lonely. Broke. Broken. Hurting. Dirty. Confused. God loves us before we ever start loving him."For God so loved the world.." He wants us to know Jesus is his gift of salvation to us... "he gave his only son."  All we need to do is reach out to God and accept his gift. No cost. A free gift.  "Whoever believes in him will not perish but will have everlasting life." (John 3:16-17)

The Grinch finally realized all the packages, ribbons, boxes and bags couldn't buy happiness, and that the spirit of Christmas comes every year with or without all the stuff. The real heart of the season is Jesus Christ...God's free gift to humanity.  Like the Grinch so wisely said, "Maybe Christmas doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more."


Wednesday, November 1, 2023


People from every walk of life are speculating the possibility of World War III and the End Times. If you have ever wondered about the prophetic words in the Bible and were skeptical about its authenticity now would be a good time to check it out for yourself. In the book of Matthew (24:37), written more than 2000 years ago, Jesus told his disciples about future events concerning the end times. He begins by telling us that certain people will claim to be the world's savior (Messiah) in order to deceive as many people as possible. He goes on to say "there will be wars and rumors of war but not to be concerned, such things must happen before the end comes."  He tells us these signs are the beginning birth pangs.

If you know anything about giving birth, you understand that a woman can be in labor for hours, sometimes days, or the baby can come so quickly she doesn't have time to make it to the hospital in time. Jesus doesn't tell us exactly when he will return to the earth only that he will return. Although the timing is vague he leaves us with clues to look out for because he wants us to be ready...not caught off guard. There will be no time once the trumpet sounds.

In another scripture passage Jesus tells us what humanity will be like before that great and terrible day comes upon the world. Believers will experience persecution and death. People will be selfish and love themselves more than they care about the truth of God's word. Our children will be boastful, proud, abusive, haters and disobedient to authority. Ideologies will go from bad to worse as each generation drifts further away from God and his teachings. Before the end comes, people will be unholy, calling good evil and evil good. Sexual sin will abound. People will be lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. (Paraphrased) 2 Timothy 3: 1-4

There are many other scripture verses in the Bible that warn us that darkness has come upon the earth like in the days of Noah. Before the flood people were violent, corrupt, and sexually depraved. Sound familiar? Noah is described as a preacher of righteousness. Like today preachers abound, but few care to listen. In spite of God's warnings, the people of Noah's day refused to see the signs of destruction.(Genesis 6). Look these things up in the Bible yourself. Don't wait to get right with God. Repent now and turn away from the sin that holds you bound. "If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe with your heart God raised him from the dead you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


 In this time of political and spiritual unrest, many Christians, myself included, are watching the decline of our nation afraid to "get involved." Some Christian denominations teach that protesting our government's evil policies is a sin. I'm no Bible scholar, but I am a follower of Jesus Christ so in layman's terms I'm a disciple. I believe that means I should follow the example of Jesus, who did not preach quiet submission. As our role model he stood up in the face of compromise and injustice and wasn't afraid to offend his listeners.

Jesus began his ministry making waves by turning the culture upside down. He went throughout all the towns and villages and spoke in synagogues, hillsides, and fishing towns challenging the spiritual and political leaders about the error of their message. Sometimes Jesus did his protesting quietly like on the Sabbath, a day of total rest, when he healed a man with a shriveled hand.(Mark 3:4) "Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save a life or kill?" At other times Jesus' actions were inflammatory like when He criticized the elders, (Matthew 23:3)"Practice and obey whatever they teach, but don't follow their example,for they do not practice what they preach." Sometimes his words and actions were provocative as the time the leaders brought him a woman caught in the act of adultery, a crime punishable by death. As her accusers stood around her with rocks in their hands Jesus said, (John 8:6)"Let the one who has never sinned cast the first stone." He never shied away from being publicly disruptive as the time he entered the temple courts yelling, turning over tables and flinging a whip to drive out animals and wealthy merchants buying and selling in the house of God. (Matthew 12:13) "My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are turning it into a gathering place for thieves."  In addition, he restored sight to the blind, the deaf could hear, he cast out demons, and raised a man from the dead. Believe it or not, with this incredible record of how one man changed the world, he told us...his followers...we would do even greater things in his name.(John 14: 12-14)

Radical? You bet! Righteous anger moved him to act whenever he saw injustice, corruption and greed.

Jesus' words and actions started such a fire storm, angry mobs backed by religious and political leaders began to plot to kill him. Jesus' teachings are so countercultural he had the entire countryside in an uproar 2,000 years ago and now in 2023. Generations have listened to his message of the good news of salvation enabling him to start a movement that persists to this day.

His  earthly ministry was filled with advocating for the oppressed, abused, abandoned, and victimized citizens of his day, inspiring his followers to do the same. Jesus didn't hide from the haters, instead he allowed himself to be mocked, threatened, slandered, ridiculed, discredited and eventually crucified by the authorities.

Today, as the politicians and those who follow them, push ideologies that cancel the Bible and our fundamental rights under the Constitution as hate speech we need to ask ourselves, "what would Jesus do?"


Some words used from Stephen Mottson author of Social Justice Devotional March 16,2016

Wednesday, August 2, 2023


Have you ever wondered why the Bible refers to   Jerusalem as "The City of God?"  Or questioned why its so important for Christians to support Israel?  Let me try to shed a little light on God's special jewel that sits like a diamond in the middle east.

"His foundation is in the holy mountains. The Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob." (Psalm 87:1-2)

We recognize the entire earth belongs to God yet His redemptive work had to take place somewhere and He chose Jerusalem as the epicenter of all things holy.

From the calling of Abraham to the shepherd boy David, who became Israel's greatest earthly king and made Jerusalem the kingdom's capital, we begin to see God's redemptive work taking shape. There the tabernacle of God found its permanence in the temple David designed and his son Solomon built. The institutions of sacrifice, worship, and priestly service were established for centuries. 

Jesus Christ recognized and honored the city and after His crucifixion and resurrection sent the apostles out with the gospel message. In this city beloved by God our heavenly Father will establish the physical geographic center of His ultimate kingdom upon the earth. For all these reasons and more God has a special love for Jerusalem.

Genesis 12:3 tells us "God will bless those who bless thee and curse him that curses thee..."  History has proven time and again that the nations that have made it a point to align themselves as allies with Israel have had the blessing of Almighty God shine upon them. On the other hand the nations that have turned a blind eye, deaf ear, and cold heart toward our Jewish brothers and sister and their homeland have experienced the curse of God. 

When we consider wealth, the spiritual principle of prosperity is tied to blessing Israel and the city of Jerusalem. "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love thee." (Psalm 122:6)

The bottom line is we should support Israel because all other nations were created by an act of man, but Israel was created by an act of God!

CREDITS: Enduring Word Commentary

                   Seven Biblical Reasons Christians Should Support Israel  by Pastor John Hagee


Tuesday, June 13, 2023


 Did you know that listening to 30 minutes of negativity and criticism will damage neurons in your brain causing physical and emotional problems that can last a lifetime. Some scientists believe we need to experience at least three positive reinforcements to counteract one negative remark.

So who said, "words will never hurt me?"

  As a "recovering" pessimist, I can attest to the fact that a negative attitude sets off a tsunami of complaining, criticizing, discontentment and a sense of worthlessness. We can't keep believing the worst about ourselves and others, and expect to get the best. The bible says,"as a man thinks in his heart, so he is."  In other words, we will eventually become the person we think we are.

  Many of us came from homes where criticism was the norm, and not necessarily intentional. We may find ourselves carrying on the tradition by bringing harsh, cruel, and hateful words into our relationships and the workplace. People who dish it out are just as susceptible to the trauma of their cutting remarks as their recipients.

In a nut-shell, bad emotions, bad parents, and bad feedback deliver enough emotional clout to render the toughest of us a lifetime of problems unless we believe we have the power to reverse the damage caused by self defeating thoughts.

                        The good is a proven fact that we can change our thoughts, and our lives, with some intentional positive energy.  

Sitting at the top of the recovery list is forgiveness.  In order to be positive we need to be free from bitterness. Stanford University conducted a "Forgiveness Project," where they trained 260 adults in the power of forgiveness in a 6-week course.   (I love it when science agrees with God.)
  • 70% of the people reported a decrease in their feelings of hurt, abandonment, and despair.
  • 13% experienced a decrease in anger
  • 27% expressed fewer physical complaints (for example; pain, gastrointestinal upset, dizziness etc.) Forgiving those who hurt you (with words and actions) has also been linked to better immune function and a longer lifespan.   
Cultivate a happy heart. Gratitude is the second rule to staying out of the psychiatrists office. In a landmark study people who count their blessings felt happier, exercised more, had fewer physical complaints, and slept better then those who created lists of complaints.

 Right thinking begins with the words we tell ourselves. Quit thinking about what's wrong with you and start believing God does not make junk. Be positive on purpose. Don't feed the inner voice that keeps you trapped in insecurity!  Starve the little demons and watch what happens. Like a pebble thrown into still water,  positive reinforcement, over time, will cause a ripple effect that spills over into all areas of your life.


Thursday, May 11, 2023


Every day I open my computer, pull up my favorite news feed, and read until I feel the pulse in my neck start beating like a marching drum. It's evident we are in a spiritual war fighting for our freedoms. Economic collapse, open boarders, crime, civil unrest and the Woke culture meet me on my screen daily. Nevertheless, no amount of fear from the headlines will make me doubt the authority of the One who is sovereign over our future.

"Dominion belongs to the Lord; he rules over the nations." (Psalm 22:28)

Unbelievers don't understand that it doesn't matter who sits in the oval office, or judges in the great halls of justice, or makes the laws that govern our lives. The same God who created the heavens and earth and everything in them also created the nations and set leaders in seats of power.The good news is God is not surprised by the evil that is running rampant in the world today. God's word is clear. "All the nations you made will come and bow down before you, Lord, they will praise your name."(Psalm 86:9)

This battle against God's precepts is a ploy from Satan to control our lives and lead future generations down the wide road to hell. We are living with a Post God mindset, where people removed God from his place of authority and push an agenda embracing a counterfeit world view. This philosophy is doomed to fail. "The Lord works out everything to its proper end-even the wicked for a day of disaster." (Proverbs 16:4)  Nothing will happen around the world that God has not already ordained. 

God is still in control but He has given his children a part to play on the world's stage. We are God's ambassadors, his spokesmen against this present darkness. Make no mistake. God is not a Pacifist! He expects us to war against evil by sharing the truth of the Gospel to those people being led to slaughter. Jesus fought for our souls, died for our sins and rose from the grave to give us eternal life.

The war we fight is not against flesh and blood, although Satan's evil motives infiltrates the minds and hearts of weak willed people. Once the evil one gains control of their thoughts he uses men and women like human shields to accomplish his work of hatred, immorality, greed and deceit to create chaos and division in the world. We are the army of Christ. All believers must stand firm in faith and face this counter culture head on before our children are pulled away into this ever growing deception.

We are here, at this moment in history for a reason. As his ambassadors we need to take this battle between good and evil to the next level. "The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but divinely powerful, capable of demolishing strongholds and destroying false arguments." (2 Corinthians 10:4) Prayer is our first line of defense along with the double edged sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God found only in the Bible. We know God's end game for his army is victory, but while we are still on the ground we are called to be light in this present darkness.

"At the name of Jesus every knee will bow-in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (Philippians 2:10-11)










Wednesday, March 22, 2023


I often wonder why, when we think about making changes in ourselves or our lifestyles, we assume it's going to be an easy process. Maybe that's because we depict transformation with images of delicate butterflies flitting effortlessly from one flower to another.

As a Christian, I believe transformation begins with the gospel message of Christ and the renewing, or changing, of our mindset. I can attest to the fact "easier said than done," is a motto I'm personally familiar with.  My human nature want's to hold onto desires that make me feel comfortable with the status quo and sometimes I resist the spiritual pull to change into the image of Christ. Let's be honest if "Love your enemy and do good to those who hurt you " were easy we wouldn't have so much division in the world.

So, how do we make changes that last?  

The first thing we have to settle in our minds is commitment to God's process. "Above all else, guard your heart (thoughts), for everything you do flows from it." (Proverbs 4:23) Psychologists have proven, what God's word told us all along . .." as you think, so you become." (Proverbs 23:7) Your thoughts will lead to good or bad attitudes; attitudes lead to actions; actions lead to failure or success. What we believe about ourselves, consciously and subconsciously, eventually becomes our reality. In order to change and grow into the person God designed us to be we must use positivity to our advantage. Guarding our heart (thoughts), is choosing faith over negativity, in all areas of our lives.

Along with commitment, lasting change involves self-discipline. Fortunately, God promises to give us His strength when we ask for it. He doesn't expect us to make this transformation on our own. "Fear not for I am with you, do not be discouraged for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my own hand." (Isaiah 41:10)  Everything in life that gives us a sense of accomplishment is hard. No one ever said our lives would be easy. Christianity is no spectator sport. Change takes courage and self discipline when you do what is right and others are doing wrong. It takes courage and self discipline to put God first in every area of your life. It takes courage and self discipline to reach out and love the unlovable. It takes courage and self discipline to forgive. It takes courage and self discipline to give up bad habits in order to change into the person God created you to be. 

Like the analogy of the caterpillar's metamorphosis into the majestic monarch butterfly...transformation, into the image of Christ, is a difficult process but the rewards and benefits are worth more than silver or gold.




Tuesday, January 31, 2023


Atropa belladonna, better known as deadly nightshade, looks harmless, but this 4 foot stunner with its shinny blackberries and pretty flowers hides a deadly secret. For anyone unfamiliar with the plants more malevolent characteristics...beware. Her berries are sweet and go down easily, but ingesting just two to four berries can kill a child and a handful will take down a grown man. This is not your backyard garden variety species, in this case, "looks are definitely deceiving."
Deception, has many faces. By definition it is the act of encouraging people to believe information that is not true. Lying is the most common form of deception and it has the power to undermine and crush truth that is the bedrock of life. Every day the news bombards us with headlines that run counter to reality. Because of deception our politicans can no longer be trusted to protect our freedom. The scientific community has forcibly taken the place of God, bowing to the demon gods of mutilation, depriving our children of normalcy. The media lies and manipulates the truth speaking with forked tongues, exalting everything that is vile and pushing an agenda of depravity. The entertainment industry follows the sinful woke culture with no regard for the souls of the children they are leading astray. And the worst form of deadly deception is coming from our churches with false leaders who preach a gospel of sexual perversion.

The Bible warns believers about false prophets. "For a time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching. Instead, to suite their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear, they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn instead to myths.( 2 Timothy 4:3-4)NIV

These words were written to believers -Christians like you and me - who stop paying attention to the evil the world is dishing out, and start to embrace these sinful ideologies as truth. Many Christians are turning off and shutting down, thinking the Gospel has been defeated.  THIS NOTION IS DECEPTION! The truth is if we are not totally invested in the Bible, the only true word of God, we will end up drinking the worlds poison. We can't protect ourselves and our loved ones if we don't know truth. Satan disguises  himself as an angel of light in order to trick us into following him down the path of destruction. (2Corinthians 11:14)  Like the deadly nightshade plant, deception looks good on the outside but once you eat it, the toxic nature of deception will quietly poison your soul until you are spiritually dead and headed toward eternal damnation. 
If you have fallen for Satan's lies...repent... get out of the deadly trap while there is still time. Jesus is coming back. SUIT UP! PRAY UP! LOOK UP! STAND UP!


Beware the deadly nightshade-the beautiful plant that can kill you
 by, William DeLong | Edited by John Kuroski
Published September 14,2021| Updated October 7,2021

Scripture verses NIV

Tuesday, January 10, 2023


What I love most about the New Year is the idea that we have a free pass to try again. It's like Father Time has given us a fresh canvas and we can decide to give our resolutions another go. Maybe you failed to meet your goals last year, or you're one of the lucky ones who surpassed your own expectations, but the bottom line when the ball drops on the eve of a new year is the old is gone and the new is here.

During the month of January we get to ask ourselves,  "What type of person do I really want to be?" 

 Each one of us have areas of our personalities we want to improve on. Sometimes we reach a new year and are still carrying the same old issues from the previous year. It's easy to get discouraged when we try to overhaul ourselves all at one time instead of picking one thing and spending our time renewing our minds. All lasting change begins with a clean mental focus.

Keep your thoughts positive, especially when you miss the mark because that is the language of faith. You only become a failure if you quit and give up your fight to replace the old habit with the new you. 

 The Bible puts it this way..."Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone ; a new life has begun." (2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT) This promise from God doesn't happen overnight. Little tweeks in our weaknesses' will lead to giant victories over time. Each day we should come into God's presence and confess our shortcomings ..."When we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us and purify us from our wickedness."(1John 1:9) Confession keeps our thoughts free of condemnation.

Change is challenging, invigorating, exciting, and doable because the Lord Jesus Christ is on our side, cheering us on to victory. The next time you look at your canvas expect to see a new masterpiece in progress. 

Happy New Year!