Thursday, May 26, 2022


I don't know about you but my level of anxiety along with my bathroom scale has gone up exponentially this past year. Between family issues, business woe's, economic spikes and the future's bleak outlook, I expect to be double my current weight by the end of summer. All joking aside, we are living in very serious times. Everyone, regardless of political affiliation, will be affected by this surging storm of unrest.

Now here's the Christians we know God is in control BUT are we going to meet these crashing waves of food shortages, skyrocketing inflation or the next pandemic in faith or cower in fear. Most of us have heard the Bible story about Jesus's disciples being out in the ocean during a raging storm when all of a sudden they see Jesus walking toward them on top of the water.  This was completely amazing but they had all seen him do other incredible miracles prior to this. They watched him raise the dead, turn water to wine, open blind eyes and cast out demons, just to name a few. Yet only one man, Peter, trusted Jesus enough to get out of the boat and walk on the rough waves with him.

Like it or not, we are all in this national crisis together. We must continue to press froward to uphold our countries values of faith, family and freedom even in the face of violence, censorship and ridicule. Jesus hasn't changed. He won't let our country sink. Look around. You can see the tide is changing. Brave men and women are stepping into the water. Once you decide to get out of the boat you might need to write that well intended letter to congress you've been putting off, or sign the petition you have tucked away on your cell phone, or go to the school board meeting and take a stand for our children's future. Whatever we can do we must find the courage to get out of the boat of complacency and unbelief. Faith leads men to do courageous things.   Maybe this is your "walk on water" moment.

 "And Peter answered him and said,Lord, if its you, bid me come to you on the water. And Jesus said,"Come." And when Peter came out of the boat he walked on the water..."Matthew 14:28-29



Wednesday, May 4, 2022


There is good news and bad news as we hit the midway point in 2022. The good news is we're almost to the end! The bad ...we still have eight months to go. Now that I stated the obvious, let's take stock of where we are headed.

It doesn't matter if you're registered Red or Blue, because its a black and white issue. Our country is divided politically, racially, and culturally and like it or not we are headed into the biggest upheaval we have witnessed in our lifetimes. Not a pleasant thought, so I have compiled three ways we can try to handle the turbulence our nation has fallen into without becoming shark chum.

  • #1...DON'T PANIC! I think it has become clear that our government and science has failed us. We can't afford to spent time looking to 'the experts' for answers. The scientists are as confused as we are and our representatives have made mandates that are slanted against law abiding citizens. Some of our so called leaders are contributing to the chaos by allowing violence and murder to rule our streets. The good news is, no matter what may come out of this current disorder, God is still in control and has a plan for our future. Most of our country's problems stem from individuals turning away from God. Each person makes a choice but it's up to the church (us) to get the word of salvation out there. God's mandate is still the same. Jesus told us to be fishers of men. The fish have changed a lot over the years but sharks are fish...right?
  • #2...PAY ATTENTION! Don't tell yourself socialism will never come to this country. Be awake! We need change but our troubles are more dangerous than some political differences. We have entered the War Zone and are engaged in a spiritual battle. Make no mistake friends, this war calls for spiritual weapons. Put on the Full Armor of God! (Ephesians 6: 10-17) Christians are God's warriors in the army of Jesus Christ and it's time to Suit Up! I'm talking about prayer and fasting. We need revival in this country and it won't come until God's people really get on their knees and fight.
  • #3..BE INTENTIONAL! When we pray, think of those who are lost. Just as it was in the days of Noah, before the flood,  people are oblivious to God's coming judgement. (Matthew 24: 37-39)  Be that one person who believes Jesus will return when we least expect Him, and begin to look at this madness with a different motivation. God has given each one of us a fishing pole. There are many sharks to be fished out of this dirty water and saved for eternity. 
"When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a (battle) standard against him."( Isaiah 59: 19)