Have you ever been so down and out you felt alone in your corner? Maybe your emotions are telling you no one really cares, no one understands what you are going through and at this point in life's journey you are sure things will never change. Sometimes life throws us a punch we think we can't recover from, so we stay down and decide it's just too much trouble to get up and try again. Before you throw in the towel let me assure you defeat is not your only option.
God is in your corner.
If you will let Him into your world he will be your coach. He wants to take your life to places you can't take yourself. Once you sign on with God he will begin a training program, created just for you, to help you reach your best potential. You will need a trainer,,,that is where Jesus comes into the picture. He becomes your teacher, role model and friend who will help you see the champion you are meant to become. In this boxing ring we call life you are going to need a trusted manager to help you negotiate the path to the final round. The Holy Spirit will keep you motivated to fight the good fight of faith as long as you're on this earth.
God loves you. He knew life would be hard so he prepared a way through every struggle even when their seems to be no way out. Jesus is the way. His hand is reaching out to help you get up off the floor and get back in the fight. You don't have to just roll with the punches, you can rise above your present circumstances and reach for the prize. That Championship Belt is called eternal life.
If you want to give God a try, I have included a prayer for salvation.
Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ, Your only Son. Your word says, "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Acts 2;21). I am calling on you. I ask Jesus to come into my heart and be Lord over my life. Salvation is your gift to me. I can't earn it. It's free. No strings attached. I believe and confess with my mouth that Jesus is Your Son the Savior of the world. I believe he died on the cross for me, and took all my sins, paying the price for them. I believe in my heart You raised Jesus from the dead and He is alive today. I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and ask for forgiveness. By faith I receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I am saved! I will spend eternity with You. Thank you Father. I am part of the winning team and I'm grateful. In Jesus name. Amen.