Wednesday, August 4, 2021


 I don't know about you, but sometimes I need to stop what I'm doing and "Re-Set" my "Mind-Set."  The truth is I need to revisit this fluctuating area of my thought life on a regular basis. If I'm not paying attention I get caught in the cycle of stinkin-thinkin. You know what I mean, that degrading self talk that whispers stuff like, You're not smart enough, Your worthless, You're unlovable, and the list of lies goes on and on.

Many of us understand the pattern all too well. We start to believe God has a good plan for our lives and we move forward with strength and conviction until we  hit some form of opposition and the old fears come crashing down in our thoughts again. We know where this cycle of self sabotage is coming from yet we allow these defeating ideas to distract us from reaching our goals.

The good news is when we find ourselves falling back into the negativity trap, stop and refocus on who God says you are. If you are one of the millions of people who struggle in this area I have one suggestion that is tried and proven to work miracles in the outcome of your success. Simply make a list of the promises in the Bible that speak to your current situation. Begin your day reading the list and ask God to help you believe what He says about you and the situation you are facing. There is one catch...millions of people know about this method and they try once or twice to defeat this battle but the negative thoughts return. Don't give up on yourself. Own your future. Give yourself time to develop a mental strategy to stay the course. You are a child of God, His masterpiece, and everything about you is special to your Heavenly Father. 

When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior He gives us the power to choose what the 'TALK BUBBLES' in our mind tell us. We don't have to believe the toxic stuff other people say about us, or bend in fear to our circumstances, or be upset and anxious about what is happening in the world around us. This is not about the power of positive thinking. God cares about us and its His power in our life that changes us. God is greater than any self defeating thought that pops into our heads. Think of each day as a clean, fresh canvas and God wants to paint a new portrait of you with every sunrise. Deliberately Re-Setting your mind on a daily basis takes work, but at the end of the day you will find it gets easier to capture those defeated thoughts and replace them with God's powerful promises. What we think and believe about ourselves and our future affects how we live, love and dream. Jesus wants you to experience life to the fullest.  Don't focus on past failures instead fix your eyes on today's victory. Your potential rests in the mind games you choose to play.

What does the Bible says about how God sees me