Wednesday, May 5, 2021


 We should all know by now that what we feed our minds makes a huge difference in our quality of life. The experts lay down the groundwork to help us become healthier, happier, more tranquil, and content so we can enjoy the utopian lifestyle we dream about. You would think all this information and knowledge would produce a culture of confident individuals. Yet, according to the APA, Americans are facing a national mental health crisis that spans generations. From Gen Z to senior citizens, people of all ages and from all walks of life are feeling overwhelmed and afraid of the current issues facing our nation. As anxiety and depression become our emotional norm rather than the exception these two very real enemies to our health have the ability to paralyze us or they can be used to strengthen our faith.

Maybe the disconnect in our mind-body connection is our spirit. God told us over 2000 years ago "...don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers letting God know your concerns." (Philippians 4: 6-7 Msg) No matter what is causing you to be stressed out give Him the sacrifice of praise. It's easy to thank Him when life is going well, but its crucial to our mental and physical health to thank Him when it seems like the sky is falling. For some of us, the reason we don't ask for God's help is because we are not sure how to approach Him. If that is you, just talk to him like you do a trusted friend. "God my life is falling apart and I need help" a prayer.

When you approach anxiety with prayer expect your thoughts to go back to the problem over and over again but choose to fight it. Each time you find yourself fearing the worst take it back to God. It might take a hundred tries a day but believe me when you persist in faith you will see fear and discouragement turn into faith and endurance. God promises us victory.

I have included a few scripture verses for you to memorize along with a suggestion of how to pray along with the verse. When fear raises its ugly head in your thoughts you can fire back with His weapon of warfare.

"Cast all your worry on the Lord because he cares about you."  1 Peter 5:7     Lord, you said I am to tell you about what is bothering me. I am afraid and feel like I am at the end of my rope. Instead of worrying about this stuff I'm trusting you to take care of me. Thank you Jesus. Amen

"Do not fear for I am with you. Do not be anxious for I am your God. I will strengthen you and I will help you, I will hold you up.""  Isaiah 43:5     Lord Jesus, I refuse to be afraid because you are with me. I won't let anxiety fill my mind because you are God and you are bigger than my problems. I choose to believe You will give me the strength to overcome my problems and you are here to help me. Thank you Lord. Amen

"Don't be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading along with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Philippians 4:6     Lord, I feel anxious but in faith I am asking you to help me with these defeated feelings. I believe your word does not lie so I'm believing you will be here to help me. Thank you for protecting my emotions. Amen

When I first began to talk to God in prayer I thought it was an overly simplified suggestion to help me deal with my anxiety. As time went on and I kept believing God's wisdom over my own ideas I had less and less sleepless nights. It took nights sitting alone with my Bible, praying Psalm 91 for protection over my family, to finally settle me. Prayer is by far the best answer to all of life's struggles.