Wednesday, January 13, 2021


Moving forward into the uncertainty of 2021 we need to make a choice. Will we gaze into the crystal ball the news media and our political leaders predict is coming on the horizon or will we fearlessly stand on the promises of God.  "Therefore, be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming." Matthew 24:42
Many of us feel abandoned right now and wonder where God is hiding in this mess we call America. Personally, I believe God is standing right next to us as we head into this storm. God gave us His instruction manual, the Bible, to help us navigate through the lies and deceit of our current culture. Looking at the condition of our country we can no longer sugarcoat God's Word to appease hardened hearts and deaf ears. Our nation needs God...NOW...and we carry His light of salvation into a dark and spiritually empty world. 
The book of Hebrews encourages believers to stand strong when the world's pressure is greatest. We need to encourage and comfort each other but we also need to warn those who are drifting away. The Bible never teaches us that we won't suffer, face persecution, trials, and affliction because of our beliefs. ( 1Thessalonians 3:2-3 ) The battle is going to get more intense and we must be ready and aware of the signs of a spiritual problem in ourselves and others.
As we can see, some people only want to hear bits and pieces of the Gospel message while ignoring what they deem antiquated and irrelevant to our new 'cancel culture.' They tune out and make God's truth fit a narrative of their own making. God warns us that if we ignore his precepts we will start to drift away from sound teaching, abandon the faith, and accept doctrines that demons teach. (1 Timothy 4:1)
Granted, our new spiritual guides think they have it all figured out, they think they no longer need God to guide them, but that kind of arrogance equals failure. Cling to the Word of God found in the Bible and don't believe every new teaching that comes down the pipe. Check your beliefs against what the Bible teaches and reject ideologies that don't align with God's truth. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring but I do know God's word alone will stand the test of time.