Sitting among the rubble of COVID and in the midst of the rioting and dismantling of the police force, many of us are trying to sort out our feelings. With the fallout of the past few months it's no wonder we feel confused and discouraged. Some people are saying "History Repeats Itself" or "Don't Make The Same Mistake Twice" or better yet... "We Are All In This Together."
All of these quotes are true but as Christians we can't stop the conversation there. We are watching our country crash and burn right before our eyes and some of us are afraid to say anything for fear of upsetting someone. This is our moment Church... to Rise Up, Suit Up and get Prayed Up! If we shut up now the fate of those who are perishing is on our hands. Let it never be said of us we paid no attention.
Our world is changing at the speed of light and we hold the candle to light up their darkness. Don't let the salt of the Gospel lose its flavor because of compromise or fear. Speak up! Boldness matters. We are the light of the world and carry a message that has power to transform lives. Be salt and light wherever God has placed you. (Matthew 5: 13-14)
"The night is far gone, the day is at hand. So let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light." (Romans 13:12)