If we score high we get the job, the promotion, the marriage proposal etc. In this fast paced unforgiving world our self worth depends on our ability to stay on top. We are judged on our accomplishments and when they fail to measure up we lose favor in the worlds eyes and in our own estimation.
Babe Ruth was once baseball's home run king. But did you know he was also the all -time strikeout champion? He struck out almost twice as often as he hit home runs. I guess that means he was booed twice as often as he was applauded. If he let all those discouraging thoughts fill his mind he would have thrown down his bat in defeat. Instead he kept on swinging. Just like sports fans, we tend to cheer ourselves on when we are doing well, but how quickly we criticize ourselves when we fall into a slump.
If you are feeling discouraged today let me give you some great news! You can make a comeback. All you need is the proper encouragement from the right source. From my own experience I can tell you that Jesus never rejects us, no matter how many times we strike out. He actually cheers us on and encourages us to keep swinging. Our success is His ultimate desire and he is infinitely patient with us. He told us in the Bible His love for us is unconditional. That means there are no strings attached. Our good or bad performance has nothing to do with His acceptance and approval of us.
God provided the total acceptance we crave because we believe in Jesus. We don't deserve it, we can't earn it, and we can't mess it up! All we need to do is accept it by faith. Your circumstances and your feelings might doubt what the Bible tells you so you have to make a choice.
Will you continue to listen to negative voices of failure and rejection or will you believe God has great things planned for your life because He loves, accepts, and approves of you unconditionally.
You don't need to hit a home run everyday to be accepted by God. He approves of you just as you are...imperfections and all. Trust Him. His love for you is unchanging, unconditional, and eternal.
Scripture verses:
Romans 5:8 But God shows His love for us that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not of your own doing; it is the gift of God.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you."
What does unconditional love mean? It's when someone loves us without expecting anything in return.