It's that time of year again when we look to the Newsroom Psychics to tell us what they see in our future.
The "experts" have an opinion on everything from tech, finance, politics, religion and culture. We even allow Nostradamus, a 16th century philosopher, the privilege of holding a standing forecast of what will transpire in our lifetime.
What is it that draws us to the bright light of their crystal ball?
With so much uncertainty in the world it's no wonder we think looking beyond tomorrow, at the big picture, we might gain an edge and avoid some unseen future pitfalls. Who doesn't want to feel they have a little control over the good and bad omens the media flaunts in the news each day. Most of us don't put much stock in everything the political soothsayers tell us but we stress and pray some of their conjecture will pull us out of the turmoil we find our country in at this point in time.
What has all their talk and conclusions given us? The number of people treated in hospitals for stress has risen by seven per cent in the last year. Stress related illnesses, physical and mental, are on the rise in American
Jesus said, "Do not be anxious or worried about tomorrow, for the future will have problems of its own." God gives us enough grace for one day at a time. One day at a time! Only God knows what tomorrow may bring into the lives of each one of us. Jesus teaches us in Matthew 6:34 to meet each day's challenges as they come and not to borrow trouble from tomorrow. God created us to overcome...but He instructs us to take life one day at a time.
We can avoid so much stress and burnout if we would learn to take the creator's advice; relax and let God be God. When we learn to put these principles into practice God's grace will be available to us in sufficient supply to help us face and overcome whatever may occur in our lives and the world around us in 2016 and beyond.
Prepare for God's arrival! Make the path straight and smooth, a highway fit for God. Isaiah 40:3 MSG
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Friday, December 11, 2015
Christmas wars?....BRING IT ON!
As we move through the "Battlefield" formerly known as the Christmas Holidays my heart is heavy by the spirit of anti-Christ that is growing in our country.
I can turn the other cheek against Zombie Nativity scenes, the new billboard with Santa saying "Go ahead and skip church" (courtesy of the American Atheists), and words like "Christmas" and "Hanukkah" completely banned from use in public schools. My thought is, "Bring It On."
Jesus Christ is greater than wooden creches and holiday tradition. Christianity is rooted deep in the fabric of our nation's values and the Bible is grounded in our hearts. Jesus said, "God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers." Matthew 5:11 NLT
There is only one way to lose this war, and that is when we give unbelievers the power to push our buttons. When we react in anger we miss an opportunity to SHINE. We should stand up to the growing opposition against the Gospel but let us never bring shame to the name of the God we serve. Instead, we need to keep focused on the task at hand which is gathering a harvest of lost souls.
It's time to take back stolen ground by lighting the candle within our hearts with the love of Christ and carry that flame into the darkness that surrounds us. We need to hit the streets with renewed passion for the multitudes who live in confusion. We meet broken and hurting people every day at work, in the subway, at school, and the neighborhood grocery store who need someone to light their dark and cold heart with the flame of faith.
Each of us can reach past our barriers with a kind word to the frazzled store clerk, a large tip to the angry waitress, or a cup of Starbucks coffee to the heckler at the office. Love is a great neutralizer and can win the respect of our toughest opponents.
Let's get ready to show the world what Christians are really made of. Take your candle and go light your world.
Merry Christmas
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