As a christian I know we can debate our political views all we want but without faith in the one true God and a desire to pray nothing will change. Unfortunately our current situation in this country will get worse unless we stand united as One Nation Under God. Below is a prayer for our government. Each sentence is taken from scripture making this a prayer for all denominations. If God's people (You and I) will humble ourselves and pray, and seek God's face, turning back to Him and realizing our sin He will forgive us and heal our land. Please pray the following prayer often, our future depends on it.
Heavenly Father, I give thanks for our government......1 Tim. 2:1
I pray for all men and women having authority over us in any way........1 Tim. 2:2
Pour out Your Spirit upon them and make Your Word known to them.....Prov. 1:23
Cause them to be men and women of integrity, obedient concerning us.....Ps. 25:21
that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty......1 Tim. 2:2
Let wisdom enter their heats, and let knowledge be pleasant to them....Prov. 2:10
Let discretion preserve them and understanding keep them.....Prov. 2:11
to deliver them from the way of evil and from evil men....Prov. 2:12
Make their hearts and ears attentive to godly council.....Psalm 1:1
doing what is right in Your sight....2 Chron. 20:32
Let the upright dwell in our government.....Prov. 2:21
Cause there to be a shaking in all areas....Heb. 12:27
Let those complete and blameless before You stay....Prov. 2:21
and cut off the wicked. Let the unfaithful be rooted out....Prov. 2:22
Bring to light what is hidden in darkness....1 Cor 4:5
and expose the secret aims of the heart....1 Cor. 4:5
Let this nation remember from where they have fallen, ....Rev. 2:5
repenting and returning to doing their first works....Rev. 2:5
setting their hearts and their souls to seek the Lord...1 Chron. 22:19
humbling themselves, praying, and turning from their wicked ways....2 Chron 7:14
Then hear them, O Lord, and forgive their sin and heal our land....2 Chron. 7:14
Open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light....Acts 26:18
Soften the hearts that are hardened through the deceitfulness of sin... Heb. 3:13
Deliver them from their destruction's..... Psalm 107:20
Father, You have been long suffering toward us....2 Peter 3:9
not willing that any should perish....2 Peter 3:9
but that all should come to repentance...2 Peter 3:9
Raise up a standard in this nation....Isa. 49:22
Cause the rains of the Spirit to flood this land....Zech. 10:1
and revive Your work in the midst of us.....Hab. 3:2
Raise up intercessors for this nation....Isa. 59:16
to pull down strongholds over this land....2 Cor.10:4
And let the glory of the Lord be revealed!!!!.Isa. 40:5
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