Sunday, February 8, 2015


Our bodies are a lot like a city and the circulatory system is the superhighway that keeps our metropolis running.  Blood is the vehicle that transports life giving oxygen and nutrients to its destination.  If these highways are blocked our vessels stop working. Thankfully we know what it takes to keep our bodies healthy so we try to exercise, eat right, and have regular check ups.

1 John 1:9 draws a spiritual parallel  that teaches us  how to keep our souls healthy.
 "If we admit that we have sinned and confess our sin, He is faithful to forgive us and cleanse us from our unrighteousness."

What an awesome promise!
Yet how many of us in the 21st century  consider ourselves sinners?

 In an  article published in USA Today, Cathy Lynn Grossman asked the question, "is sin dead?"  Her report raises some important issues about what many people believe about sin.  The people interviewed tend to toe the traditional line of thought "that there is sin" but interpret that reality in their own way -I have to do what's best for me; I am not as sinful as most.     We like to point our finger of judgement at those who make us feel better about ourselves but look at our own failures as harmless mistakes.  Many of us know what sin is; we just don't believe it applies to us anymore.  The new spirituality is happiness, not holiness, and God is no longer our reference point.

Maybe we need to do some soul searching by asking ourselves a question and answering it in our minds once and for all.  If we no longer recognize ourselves as sinners and are too sophisticated to need God's word (the Bible) as our moral compass why did Jesus have to die on the cross to atone for our sins?

Instead of making our own rules and judgements let's rethink the parallel and take advantage of the promise.  The same way our physical blood cleanses our body of poisons, the blood of Christ continuously purifies us of sin every time we confess our weakness.  Admitting we have sinned keeps our spiritual vessels open.  You don't have to wait for an appointment to talk to God.  He listens to us, anytime or anywhere. Whenever we mess up God is ready to forgives us, even when it takes years or a lifetime to get it right.  Don't make the mistake of believing you are too far gone for God to forgive you.  Abortion is NOT the unforgivable sin.  Homosexuality is NOT the unforgivable sin.  Murder, lust, envy, greed etc. are NOT unforgivable.

Pride might be the unforgivable sin.  Don't allow it to hold you back from a healthy relationship with God.  His mercy is new every day.

Scripture readings:
Romans 3:23
Romans 8:1
Proverbs 28:13