In her day, this Samaritan woman was an outcast, living far beyond the cultural norms of society. She was accustomed to the local community treating her like she was contaminated and dirty. They whispered and judged her publicly, deliberately humiliating her, so she chose to draw water when she was sure to be alone. This day of destiny, she arrived at the well and met Jesus. She was surprised to see him resting by the well, since Jews did not associate with Samaritans. Instead of the jeers of hostility she was used to receiving He spoke to her with respect; a scandalous action between a Rabbi and a woman of her character. As the conversation progressed the woman realized this man knew everything about her life; the good, the bad, and the ugly. In spite of this, his words were never harsh or demeaning.
Aren't we all a little bit like the woman at the well? If we admit it, our lives are full of secret sins we try to cover up and hide. When we encounter Jesus, he knows who we are, where we've been, and what we've done. The deep wells of our lives can't conceal our brokenness or failures. He died to reach backsliders, atheists, homosexuals, drug addicts, murders, and floundering Christians. His eye is still on the person living outside the code of acceptable conduct.
Jesus meets us right where we are, crossing the lines of hatred, prejudice, and contempt. He offers Living Water (eternal life) to anyone who chooses to accept the cup he presents. If you are drawing pleasure from this world's well you will always come up empty. Jesus says to you,"the water I give will become in you a flowing stream that will bring you eternal life." John 4:13 Whoever drinks Living Water will find fulfillment, purpose, and pleasure that never dries up. You are not too dirty, contaminated by sin, or messed up to ask God for a drink.
Are you thirsty?
Prayer for Eternal Life
Thank You God that you sent Jesus, Your Son, to die for my sins. The bible says whoever calls upon the name of Jesus will be saved. I call upon His name and ask Him to forgive me for all my sins. I believe I'm forgiven because Jesus payed the price by dying on a cross for me. I receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and accept the Living Water (eternal life) that he offers me.
Joyce Meyer Devotional